chapter 3: agin reminiscing

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it was only after the
countless arguments and
the restless nights, i knew i
was in love with you.
- MT

i was confused.

"i'm sorry to interrupt, but what is this cair paravel? some ruined island?" i asked, not trying to be rude or anything.

susan replied. "it used to be the capital of this kingdom, narnia. it seems as if-". she didn't have a chance to finish her sentence when edmund abrubtly said "catapults".

we all walked towards him. he was observing everything around him.

"what?" peter didn't quite understand what edmund had meant when he said "catapults" without any other context. neither did i.

edmund looked at me for a split second before shifting his gaze amazingly quick at peter. "this didn't just happen. cair paravel was attacked."

"why would your cair paravel be attacked?" i wondered out of curiosity, not really expecting anyone to give me a solid answer since they seemed not to know either.

edmund groaned and looked up in exhaust. "why do you have to question every little thing? isn't it obvious we don't know, too?"

my feelings were a little hurt, not going to lie, but i won't let see that.

"well im sorry i'm curious. im trying to be socializable, not like other people". i looked somewhere else, not wanting to see his face at all. i could hear him scoff.

peter clapped once, making us jump. "we're here, all alone together. some teamwork skills won't be that bad right? blair,  edmund, slide that rock to the side". he pointed towards a giant rock with engraved patterns.

edmund held a hand up. "no,no, i got this". that jerk.

he walked up to the rock and tried to slide it. that thing barely moved an inch.

"i might be wrong, which i don't think so, but you need help edmund" susan suggested and the 4 of us laughed. edmund rolled his eyes while he struggled.

"alright, alright. i don't want you popping a blood vessel. let me help you." i gripped my hands on the rock and began pushing as hard as i could. the rock slowly began moving. finally, it moved completely and revealed a wodden door.

lucy patted me on the shoulder. "good job, blair" she turned to look at edmund, who's face was red from one of two reasons: he's embarrassed or he's tired. im going to go with reason number one.

"good job to you too, edmund" a forced, fake smiled creeped to her face, which made me chuckle.

peter began tearing some of the wood off the door until he could fully open it. a staircase was revealed and led to an underground area. peter ripped the bottom of his white shirt and started wrapping it around a stick. i think he's trying to make a fire torch.

"don't suppose you have any matches, do you?" peter asked edmund. he reached into his bag.

"no...but would this help?" he took out a very antique-looking flashlight. right, they live during ww2. things were different. the smirk on edmunds face was so unsatisfying, i swear.

peter dropped the diy fire torch almost instantly. "you might have mentioned that a bit sooner" he confessed with a laugh.

i went to put my hands on my back pockets, can't be...

"MY PHONE! OH MY GOODNESS, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!" i hugged and caressed my phone like it was my child. it sort of was, but these thoughts didn't matter at this point.

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