Chapter 7, Stand

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Dropping behind the next curtain the love for emergency medicine was clear on Drew's face. It was a fast paced environment that needed a trusting team that could work together. It didn't hurt that he was a complete adrenaline junkie. Some of his nurses had worked at Providence Regional for going on twenty years. They were battle axes and he had learned more from them than some of his classes. Hell, he'd never admit it, but he loved working with them, too. There were four other ER Physicians and an abundance of orderlies and medical students. Providence Regional was a place that never wanted to be reported as short-staffed or ill equipped. It helped that a satellite of the state medical school was attached to it, creating an additional layer of medical care.

Behind the curtain, an older woman with curly white hair and soft cheeks beamed at the whipper snapper of a doctor. She had fallen in the dining room and crawled to the phone to call 911. Her ankle was swollen, probably broken. An X-Ray would confirm his diagnosis. He made notes on his iPad, ordered the X-Ray, patted the woman's opposite leg and told her he'd be back to check on her shortly.

He was on to a new patient.

"Drew!" he heard his old friend, Emmie Sheehan, call for him. Having been friends since they were both in the first year of medical and nursing school respectively, they often worked together and had spent hours quizzing one another on the multitude of knowledge that comes with medicine. Turning, Emmie was running towards him, "Lookie! Lookie! Lookie!"

"Woah, I don't need to look hard to see that beast! Was Jared worried you wouldn't say yes?" Drew said, inspecting his friends hand. On the fourth finger of her left hand were no less than three carats in a platinum setting.

"He really outdid himself, didn't he?" she gushed.

"Congratulations, Em! Let's celebrate soon. Are you on this next one with me?" he asked referring to the patient behind the next curtain.

The chart presented a four year old girl who swallowed a Lego Man. He looked at Emmie and said, "Bet ya a dollar she has a sibling."

"Bet ya two it's a little brother."

This normal banter between the two of them was how they survived the long learning hours and then the longer learning work shifts. The banter worked trying to forget former lovers and current financial woes.

They walked in, talked to the family and ordered a scope of his throat. As they left, he took out his wallet and dropped two dollars into her open palm, laughing. "You've been at this longer than me," he said.

Six hours into the forty-eight and this was his haven. This was his high. He was happiest alone, happiest saving lives.

It was the Fourth of July and anything could come through the doors. Idiots, alcohol, and national holidays that involve pyrotechnics equal a fast paced environment emergency unit. Already today he had seen several third-degree burns, a burned eye (that was fascinating), and a pair of ruptured ear drums.

A different man, a different career, a different life was feeling the weight of every decision that had lead him here. Closing the heavy textbook in the library, he stretched his back and rubbed his eyes. Law students didn't get holidays. It had been a grueling day of notes, reading, and studying. He could hear the undergrads outside on the quad and fireworks popping in the distance. The idea of blowing off some steam sounded delightful as the evening approached.

As he packed his bag with books, notes, and a water bottle, he caught the eye of the first year vixen with long black hair and legs that went on until yesterday. He couldn't lie, he was a leg man. She made his way towards him, his feet stuck to the carpet, glued with nowhere to run.

"Blaise," she said, "Thanks for the tips. You were right. I stuck to what you said and have been doing great. You're my hero. I'm about done, too. Do you think I could buy you a beer as a 'thanks' for the guidance?"

He opened his mouth, but no words came out. Shaking his head, he said, "Listen, uh, you're great. But, it's been a long day. Maybe a rain check?" She smiled, but he could tell that this conversation wasn't over. Turning to leave, she quickly gathered her stuff and raced to be with him outside. She pressed on, "I can't take no for an answer. My friends said that you are the best and they were right. Honestly, it's just a beer." It was when she touched his wrist again in that subtle way that something within Blaise moved. Pieces rearranged in his soul, lining up and the kaleidoscope started to click into place. Stepping back, he left her alone outside, but not from fear of what would happen.

Her lips curled up in an expansive smile, revealing white teeth and a wicked smile. "I am a very smart girl," she said as her hand moved up his bicep and started toying with his shirt sleeve. She leaned into him, close enough where only he could feel the words she was saying.

"I am smart enough to know that your girlfriend isn't around anymore and I am smart enough to keep my mouth open for you and closed to everyone else. Trust me, we can have some fun."

He shrugged her off, stepping back, before she could move any closer to him. "Move on. You don't need to be like that. It's unattractive. Good luck with school," he said as he turned, walking off from her.

She rattled him, shaking his soul and the idea of blowing off steam moved into a new direction. He needed to see Alice Jane. He missed her and realized how hard it was to breath without her with him. What had he been thinking? Why didn't he stand stronger? There was no way he could be without her. Plans change and his plan was changing as he picked up the pace from walking to running.

As he moved faster, Blaise started thinking about all the things he could do with his law degree that had nothing to do with his father and his career. He could teach. Blaise and AJ could run off and get married, living a simple life in a small town somewhere far away. Maybe he could even change their names. Stranger things have happened.

Looking back over his shoulder, he wondered if he could do it. Pushing the LandRover out of the parking lot, he made a snap decision, turning south instead of north. The GPS said the convent was almost two hours away.

He was going to get his girl.

Screw the Senator. 

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