Chapter 59, Gardening At Night

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It was a Tuesday when Drew concluded his training, the nurses giving him a send-off fit for a king in scrubs. Emmie was the last to see him off, walking him to the parking lot.

"It was fun, wasn't it? Looking back, I mean. It was hard while we were in the trenches," she said wistfully.

"It was fun, Em. As long as we are on this end of it, looking back, it was fun. Thanks for coming along with me. Hell of a ride, wasn't it?" he asked.

She nodded, hugging him, "I'm going to miss us. Thanks for being there for me."

"Hey Emmie, don't be a stranger. You know there's a job in Cradle Creek if you want it. Aunt Katie would love to have you close."

"Thanks, but Jared and I are making plans. You wouldn't know how that goes, but typically one person sticks around with the other," she laughed.

"You'll be at Hail and Farewell next week, right? You might be surprised," he said with an air of mystery.

"For you? I wouldn't miss it! What kind of surprise do you have up your sleeve?" she asked, her face twisting into a giddy place of confusion.

"I, uh..."

"You... what?"

"I mighta met someone?" he said.

"You mighta met someone?" she replies, matching his tone.

"It's nothing. She's nice and we've been friends for a while," he said shyly.

"Do I know her?" she gasps, jokingly, "Is it me?"

Pushing her shoulder gently and playfully, "No, her name is Alice Jane. AJ. She lives in Cradle Creek and, well, she'll be at Hail and Farewell next week with me."

"Oh," Emmie was pleasantly surprised, "Well, if she can tame you, I know I'll love her. I am looking forward to meeting her. Good job, Drew. Of course, anyone is better Dewdrop," causing them both to laugh.

"Hey, before I go," he started, "How are you doing... with ... everything?"

Emmie's eyes dropped for a second, searching the ground for something before meeting his quiet gaze, "I hit a low spot there for a while but I caught myself. Katie came. I knew it was getting dark when Jared's mom commented how happy she was I was taking an interest in my wedding figure. I woke up and knew I needed some help. Katie hooked me up with a doctor and I've been crash coursing some therapy and it's helping. God, is it helping. I'm finally sleeping. Getting my head on straight. Thanks for asking," She said. He pulled her into a double armed hug tightly, kissed her cheek before releasing her.

Returning home one last time, his training behind him, with only his future laying ahead of him.

Alice Jane was sitting on the front porch of the workman's cottage with a few books in front of her as she took notes on a yellow pad of paper. Closing the car door behind him, he called to her, "You wanna kiss a real doctor? It's official. I'm no longer a hack."

The next morning, AJ stood precariously on a two sided ladder reaching for some peaches almost out of reach. The early morning air hinted at the heat that would last the rest of the day. The peach trees were rich, luscious, full of life and fruit, having survived another season under their own care. Drew watched her for a few minutes from the kitchen window. What on earth is she doing?

A goofy one-sided smile on his face, he sauntered up towards her calling to her as he moved.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Cradle CreekOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora