You were looking out the window when Tony looked at Bucky in the rare view mirror and wiggled his eyebrows at him. Bucky just rolled his eyes and shook his head looking into the window opposite to the one you were looking out of. Trying to suppress a smile but failing horribly.

After around 5 minutes of you mumbling things to yourself, you didn't pay attention to your surroundings and completely forgot Bucky was the one holding you.

"Tony?" You asked and was only returned with a light "Hm?"

You looked into the rare view mirror this time to meet his gaze. "If I tell you something about someone, promise you won't tell him?" You asked lazily, leaning closer to Bucky but not realising it was actually him.

"Sure?" He said smiling, waiting for a response looking at the road ahead of him.

"I think I'm in love with Bucky," you said loud and clear. The person holding you tensed up completely and looked down at the top of your head. You didn't even look up back at them, you were too tired. "I mean how can I not," you sighed. "He's so prefect. He doesn't believe me when I say he's the most amazing person ever, but I hope one day he does. And I hope he loves me back, because I'd love to live with him when the world isn't such a fucked up place. Oh, my god imagine having little Bucky's running around the compound."

Tony looked at you with the widest grin in the mirror although you couldn't see it because you were looking back outside out the window. Bucky was still staring down at your head with pure awe.

"Yeah, I think he loves you too," Tony exhaled. But you didn't hear it because you fell soundly asleep.

Back at the compound, Bucky carried you to your room and laid you down in your bed. You slightly stirred and woke up now able to control your limbs. "Ughhhhh" you moaned as you laid in the comfort of your bed. You heard a gentle giggle come from in front of you so you opened your eyes half way to check who it was.


"What happened?" You groaned lifting yourself up with your forearms. "Oh," you said dropping back down remembering the trip to the dentist. "Did I say anything stupid?" You chucked almost as if you were joking. But when Bucky sighed and sat down next to you, you sobered completely up.

"Oh my god what did I say," you sat up immediately. "Was it stupid? I'm so sorry if I said-"

Bucky just turned to you and smiled. "It wasn't stupid. I just don't think you noticed me in the car with you,"

Your hand was over your mouth now, covering the fact it was wide open. You had an idea of what you said, but you weren't sure.

"Bucky tell me or I'll go ask Tony," you said feeling your face turn the colour of a tomato.

"At first it was that you liked my arm, then you asked Tony not to tell anyone what you were about to say. I think you forgot it was me next to you, and you told him you loved me,"

"Oh my god, no it wasn't supposed to come out like that-" you said putting both your hands over your face and falling back into the bed.

"Wait, you meant it?" He asked almost surprised.

You took your hands off of your face and hugged your torso, you moved your head so it looked at Bucky's eyes. You closed them and nodded your head "yup," shrugging in defeat.

Bucky climbed on top of you, face centimetres away from yours, noses touching. "Is that why you weren't very fond of me going with you?"

"Yeah basically," you replied, heart racing from the short distance between you. His hands were on each side of your head.

"What if," he leaned closer. "I said I loved you too?"

You smiled. "Then do something about it, James." You said barely in a whisper. Next thing you knew, his lips were on yours, your hands on his sides as your heads moved in rhythm.

You were interrupted with a *knock* on your door and Tony coming in.

"Ah," he inhaled. "I'm assuming you've both confessed your love for each other," he said too confidently.

"What to you want, Tony," Bucky said, turning to look at Tony who was smirking ear to ear.

"(Y/n) don't kill me but I had Jarvis record everything you sai-" he didn't even have the chance to finish. You were already out of bed, and chasing him down the corridor out of your room.

"TONY! DELETE IT," you shouted after him.

"NO! JARVIS PLAY," he screamed running towards his lab.

Bucky was running behind you trying to catch up, when Jarvis started playing clips from an hour before;

"I think I'm in love with Bucky,"

"He's so prefect,"

"He doesn't believe me when I say he's the most amazing person ever,"

"I hope he loves me back, because I'd love to live with him when the world isn't such a fucked up place,"

"Oh, my god imagine having little Bucky's running around the compound,"

You paused in the entrance of the lab Tony was guarding himself in. Your face once again crimson red as Bucky caught up to your and stood behind you. All 3 of you panting from the exercise you just went through.

Bruce looked at the 3 of you with wide eyes and tried to hide his smile.

"I said that?" You asked Tony who was leaning against his table, heavily breathing. Your hands on your mouth to hide the shock. Your embarrassed face could be probably seen miles away.

"I mean I don't think having a mini Bucky is a bad idea," Bucky interrupted by putting his hands around your waist from behind and pulled your towards your room.

"Tony delete that video or I'll set you on fire and feed you to the homeless," you shouted as Bucky kept pulling you back into your room by your waist.

"I can't believe I actually said that," you whispered to yourself. Bucky chuckled in your ear.

"I still don't think it's a bad idea, doll,"

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