Cabin Mates -Chapter 8

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Sky's Cabin Group


We followed are director to are cabin, as soon as we got in and set down are suitcases, we began to discuss names.

"Budder. Budder is are cabin name, everybody agrees? Good."sky had said as he crossed his arms laying down on a bottom bunk, deadlox claiming the top. Everybody agreed, except stampy spoke up "no, cake." With taht statement everybody stood up, mor e is sky and they began to yell, stampy turned crossing

His arms before sating "I want to switch groups."sky nodded "right back at ya," he glared and span and crossed his sdm,s then le broke jn after agile of quiet and yelling "why no, budder cake or cake budder, or combined, bake, or even cudder..?"he suggested trying to get on everyone's good side. They all agreed after ahile, more so stampy and sky were stubborn others nodded andle spoke "come on, stamps, pleaseee?!" stampy still faced his bzck to sky, arms Crosse d then opened Thema nd sighed letting thwm hand "fine..:"

After awhile sky was quit everybody stared eager waiting then he sighed dad opened his eyes and face dthem, hands In fists "fine" pausing gor eveybosy sauing ywjoo tehn spome again intetuprtin eveyone "only, if's named... Budder Cake, or buddery cake."he said crossing his arms, then stampy if ally agreed "fime, buddery cake sounds better.." he said And that's when everybody ya-hooed, and high five eachother rms I lignin and laughing.




Sorry guys, I've had writers block, nobody has given me name suggestion, except I'm a didn't some more groups later ;) maybe, and a then next task will be something like more chapters,about names or teh first challenge to become head youtuber Cx XD XP CX SOO, ERM.. I Had an only idea for his grojp, and then I'll ty to come up with others, hint: one is or might be trick..

X3 And nobody gave me ideas for a cabin name.. x3 XD CX hehe, oh wells.. x3 hehe, anywyas byes guys, sorry for such a short chapter DX XD

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