8- Pinned

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The next day, you walk to school nervous that the same thing that happened a month ago would occur again today. You don't see the boys in the morning but you are reassured as they promised to meet you at the gym afterwards. When the last school bell rings you hop out of your chair almost immediately and pace yourself towards the gym. Kuroo sees you in the hallway and walks along with you. You both talk about your day and Kuroo complains about volleyball. You guys decide to make a detour to the vending machines. You are almost there when Kuroo brings up a topic he has been dying to get confirmation on.

Kuroo- so?

You- so?

Kuroo- how long have you and Kenma been dating?

You are startled by the question and almost trip over yourself. Although it isn't official, you are excited to make it so. You were actually thinking about it in class time; Kenma asking you out, your first date, etc.

You- well, we're not actually dating.

You wanted to add the "yet" but hold off.

Kuroo- but you want to right? *looking down at you with keen eyes*

You- I don't know, I'm not sure *you say light heartedly*

Kuroo- *sighs* "I'm not sure" is good enough for me.

You are confused by what he says and try to turn around to look at him. That's when he grabs both your hands and pins you against the vending machine.

You- Kuroo what the hell are you...

You look up at his face, centimetres away from yours, and you realise he is very serious in this moment. He closes his eyes as if he is in pain and opens them again to make eye contact with you.

Kuroo- what about me huh?

You- what about you? *not fully processed his question*

Kuroo- I MEAN do you like me??!!! *grunting tone* how do you feel about me?

You- I- I guess... I haven't given it much thought.

Kuroo's heart practically shatters when he hears your thoughtless response. Both unsatisfied and hurt, he lets go of you in a way it means he's giving up on you.

Kuroo- *turns away from you* sorry for asking. Can you tell the team I'm feeling sick? *starts walking away*

You- wait!!! Please stop!

He turns around and smiles at you although it was a painful thing for him to do.

Kuroo- I'm fine

Before you can anything else, he walks away faster. You are frozen in place until he is out of sight. It was only a couple minutes ago you had your heart set on Kenma but your heart is now clouded and confused with these new feelings. How long was Kuroo into you? What about Kenma?

Kenma however, was there to see everything. Although he couldn't make out exactly what it was you guys were talking about, he got an idea from the way things looked.

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