7- Confrontation

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You are now back at your apartment. You slam the door shut and lean against it sliding down until you are on the ground. Your face is in your knees tears coming non stop.

You- how can he be so selfish. All this time him and Kuroo were just HaNgInG oUt. I hate you, I hate you. You cruel bastard *whispers*

You stare into space for a couple of minutes until you are startled by a knock on the door and the whispering of two male teens.

In a muffled tone:
Kenma- it's this apartment right?
Kuroo- yeah dumbass.
Kenma- is she even there?
Kuroo- I don't know, let's see.

Everything goes quiet for a few seconds until you jump in surprise as loud bangings on your door appear.

Kuroo- Hey it's us, open up *half yelling*

You contemplate for a second to just ignore them. You do have your answer. To your knowledge they just didn't want to see or speak to you for a whole month. Why now all of a sudden make an effort? That's what you need to know so you get up and open your door.

You're greeted with two boys who give you a big smile but you are not satisfied. This is when Kenma rushes in to give you a big hug. You go red and your heart starts to warm up again but you decide not to return the hug. Kenma finally let's go of you and smiles cheekily. You walk into your apartment inviting them in. That's when you look around an realise your apartment looks like hell. There is ramen packets all over the ground and not a spot of sunshine from any window. Kenma and Kuroo notice it too. They look at each other thinking to themselves that they are the reason for this. You realise there is no good or clean area for them to sit down so you lead them to your bedroom.

Kuroo- where are we going, your basement? Are you about to murder us?

You- I might *you say quietly to yourself*

When you guys make it to the door of your bedroom you all stop.

Kuroo- what's in there?

You- it's my bedroom dumbass.

Kuroo- wait wait wait... I can't enter your bedroom. *looks at kenma* it's a girls bedroom.

You frown and roll your eyes.

Kenma- don't be so weird about.

He enters into your bedroom before you do, seemingly making himself at home. He takes a seat at your desk and when Kuroo enters, he is left to stand.

You- you can sit on my bed if you want.

Kuroo- uh... I'd just rather stand.

Then everything goes quiet.

You- so does anyone want to tell me what the hell has been going on?

Kenma- I've been gone for a month.

You- I can tell *you're low key fed up*

Kuroo- hear him out.

You stand up in anger looking ready to burst.

You- I don't need to hear it from you ok mister. You have been here this whole time and you knew what was going on with Kenma and you didn't think to mention it-

Kenma- I- I told him not to. Please don't be mad at Kuroo, be mad at me.

You- so.?

They stare at you.

You- here's your chance. Explain.

Kenma- for the last month, I've been caught up in... family business.

You stay silent to hear more but nothing more is coming Kenma.

You- Is that it?

Kenma- yes.

You- why couldn't you have told me? I would've understood.

Kenma- I- I didn't know how to and it had already been days since you sent your text... I'm so sorry. I wish I could tell you the whole story but I can't. Not now at least.

Whatever Kenma is talking about, you respect him to keep it private. Again all these feelings start to bubble up. This whole time you realise you've been exhausted all because you miss him. Tears start rolling down your face again and Kenma gets up to comfort you. You grasp onto his body in one big motion hugging him very tightly. He holds onto you.

Kenma- I'm really sorry.

When Kuroo sees this, he is reminded of the festival night again and his heart aches again. You and Kenma don't notice as he makes his way out of your room into the bathroom. He splashes water onto his face.

Kuroo- face it *he stares at himself in the mirror* she's loves him.

Kenmas' secret Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin