6- 1 Month

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At first, you don't see Kenma for a whole week. Nor do you see Kuroo. Your text has been on delivered the whole time, not even seen. Sometimes you see Kuroo at the gym or even walk past him. He's always laughing with his friend group and even sometimes with other girls. You keep your head down and avoid eye contact as much as possible. You have this ache in your heart everytime you see Kuroo laugh and smile without you but you remind yourself that you did only know him for a couple of days. Kenma as well, he said he really liked you yet is now ghosting you. What could be going on? It's not like there's any way to reach him. Maybe he regrets kissing you and has decided to avoid you for good. These thoughts take over your mind and soon it's all you can't think about. A week turns into two and your days end with a blink of the eye. You're always tired, and you're living off ramen. You don't even bother with making lunches anymore and every now and then you question what you were like before you met Kuroo and Kenma. Pretty soon you check your calendar and it's officially been a month since the festival.

On this cold Sunday morning, you are trying to swallow your ramen but it becomesindigestible. It tastes like rubber and it makes its way out of your mouth onto the table. You can't take this anymore. The repetitiveness, the ramen and the silence. You abruptly stand up from your chair and run out of your apartment aimlessly through the streets. It's a mile through your run when you realise your still in your night dress and now you're shivering. You slow down and search for a direction to go. That is when you are met with a group of older men heading towards you. You turn yourself around but you hear their footsteps get closer and closer.

Men 1- hey little girl.

You close your eyes trying to avoid their voice and keep walking.

Men 1- hey I'm talking to you.

You're walking until you hit into one of the older man and realise you are backed into a wall by them.

Men 2- watch where you're going.

Men 3- hey that's not a lot of clothing out in this cold. *creepy laugh*

Men 1- what's you're name little girl.

You- leave me alone you old buncha creeps.

You try to find an opening in between two of the men and make a run for it but one of the men grabs you're arm and pins it against the wall.

Men 2- what're you in a rush?

Tears start to form in your eyes as you begin to weaken.

You- just leave me alone you creepy bastards *screams*

Men 1- why you little-

You see him try to go in for a punch and close your eyes in fear.


You open your eyes to see Kuroo towering over the men.

Kuroo- ANSWER ME!!!

They old men shriek in fear and run a away. You're frozen in place, cold and weak. That's when Kenma appears in view from behind of Kuroo. He walks up to you, ready to offer his jacket. All these feelings start to surface and you don't feel cold anymore. Instead your blood is boiling. How long have these two been hanging out? And when we're they going to tell you? As he gets closer, you slap him across the face. Kuroo makes a shocked face and Kenma is left looking down at the ground even you're shocked.

You- Leave me alone

You yell as you run away, one arm covering your eyes as tears fall down.

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