4- The festival (special)

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On the next Saturday morning, you wake up at 11 am. You press down on the water boiler and take out a cup of 2 minute noodles. You go to the bathroom to brush your teeth but then hear a ding from your bedroom. It's a text from and unknown number:

Person- hey

You- who's this?

Kuroo- Kuroo, duh

You- how did you get my number?

Kuroo- Kenma gave it to me.

You- wait
          Is he ok??!!!!

Kuroo- calm down
             He's fine
             Actually I was wondering if you wanted to come to the festival with us tomorrow.

You- yeah, I'll be there anyways for my class.

Kuroo- ok cool. Let's meet outside the gym.

The next day

You are 10 minutes early and keep looking down at your phone ever five seconds out of nerves. You are tempted to go check out the food inside as everything smells so amazing but decide to do the polite thing and wait for the guys. Finally, you see them coming towards you. You run up to Kenma and almost hug him but you restrain yourself.

Kenma- hey *holding back a little excitement himself*

You- it's so good to see you again. I'm sorry you passed out, I must've been putting too much work on your shoulders.

Kenma-no it's not your fault. I think i had a little fever last week anyways. *unconvincingly*

You suspect he's lying to not hurt your feelings but little do you know there's something darker going on.

Kuroo- AH HELL YEAH! They're selling crepes and cakes in there *breaking awkward silence*

Kuroo grabs you and Kenma both by the hands and you guys go running right up to the cake stall scaring some bystanders.

Kuroo- 2 chocolate and 1 strawberry crepe please.

Kenma- I'll pay.

Kuroo hands you the strawberry crepe and inside you feel something warm in your heart. Maybe it's the fact that he remembered you liked strawberry flavoured things, or the fact that he makes you laugh like no one else does.

Kuroo goes rampaging around each different stall trying a bit of everything and being a bit too loud. You and Kenma slowly pace behind him.

You- so I'm guessing you guys made up?

Kenma- I guess so... I didn't realise I missed him that much. I forgot how fun he was.

You- well don't forget it again.

You bump into him playfully and you guys laugh a little. There's that racing heart and flushed cheeks again you notice. Kuroo joins up with you guys again.

Kuroo- man I'm stuffed. Where to now?

You take a few steps forwards and turn to face them. You have been dreading this moment for a while now. You close your eyes in embarrassment and take a deep breath-

You- I would like to invite you guys to see my class play.

Kuroo bursts out laughing while you groan in despair.

Kenma- don't be so mean Kuroo, what play are you doing?

You- uggh, our class wrote it. It's about a witch who falls in love with a prince but the evil princess tries to kill her.

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