chapter 10

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Combining Fleet from eagle union and Royal Navy is on their way to the battlefield. During morning, the Azure Lane base received a signal that Sakura Empire fleet is on its way towards the base. Almost all of the members are gone out to intercept the red axis attack. On Enterprise ship, Enterprise looks toward the sky and has contemplations about the upcoming battle

Enterprise: "One battle, followed by another..."

On Elizabeth Battleship, Queen Elizabeth is standing proudly as she saw the fleet of the Royal Navy.

Queen Elizabeth: "This is the fleet I was waiting for!"

Behind Elizabeth stand Prince of Wales, she looks around and reminds Queen Elizabeth that it's not only the Royal navy inside the fleet, but there is also Eagle union.

Prince of Wales: "It's not just ourselves, your Majesty. It is a combined fleet with the Eagle Union. And don't forget that Ash and Ember are joining this fleet as well."

Queen Elizabeth: "Yes indeed, our most powerful ally."

Meanwhile, Hood is enjoying tea while watching an amazing view of combined fleet between Royal navy and Eagle Union.

Hood: "This is indeed an astounding view... quite promising, certainly."

Warspite: "Yes Indeed. This is going to be a decisive battle."

On Eagle Union side

On Hornet flight deck, Cleveland and her sister is discussing on preparing for the battle between the Azur lane and Red axis.

Montpelier: "You can count on us, the knight of the sea. We are second to none."

Denver: "We can't let our big sister down."

Columbia: "Can we relax a little? We could get hurt being so tense like this."

Cleveland: "That's right, you are all my precious little sisters. Don't push your luck."

Montpelier and Denver: "Okay..."

Columbia: "Gotcha..."

Hornet is sitting inside one of her aircrafts while watching the Cleveland sisters having a discussion then she lowers her hat a bit and watches the sea in front of her.

Hornet: "I guess there is no way around this now... show down!"

Hornet saying it while making a gun shape sign and shoots it toward the ocean in front of her.

Sakura Empire fleet

Akagi ship leading the entire fleet of the Sakura empire while her little sister Kaga ship follow her from behind. The Sakura Empire is ready to fight on full scale war.

Takao POV

On the top of Takao ship, Takao is watching her comrade and the ocean around them. She is having a thought about this upcoming battle. They are going to face Azur Lane with no backup from the black wisdom cube. How they can possibly win, if the two monster from the Azur Lane are definitely going to show up?

Atago:"What's wrong Takao?"

Takao:"Are we truly prepared for this? Such a major battle, without even completing the project Orochi... what is Akagi Thinking?"

Atago:"We couldn't get back the black metal cube. Perhaps she's flustered."

Hearing the words black metal cube Takao gets a flash back from the battle with Ember.

She is so powerful that she could finish me off from the start and managed to kill both Atago and myself so easily, so why didn't she use her full power? Why did she spare my life? Why did she decided to let me go when I was cornered and powerless to fight back?

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