Hush and Shush...

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Trigger Warning: Suicide Mention, skip second scene break.

Narrator's POV

After the family meal, Sebastian carried Ciel upstairs to his nursery and tucked him into his crib.

Like he did nearly every night, Sebastian read his precious son a bedtime story and gave him lots of hugs and kisses.

"Did you like meeting our family, baby?" Sebastian softly asked

Ciel nodded, "I like them, daddy. How long will they be staying with us?"

"Another day or two." Sebastian answered, stroking Ciel's silky navy blue hair


Laying in down beside his husband, Alois pulled the hair bands keeping his hair in their buns.

"Did Sebastian kidnap and brainwash that boy?" Alois asked, cuddling against Claude

Claude sighed, pulling his wife close, "I thought the same at first but Sebastian had a DNA match to prove it, Ciel is really Ciel."

"He is obsessed with that boy, we have seen them interact for less than a day and I can already tell." The blonde said, laying his head on his husband's strong chest

"You never saw how he was when he had Ciel as a baby." Claude informed, his tone rather light-hearted, "Sebastian was the one working and Angela was the one supposed to handle the domestic stuff since she chose to be the stay at home parent. In reality Sebastian ended up doing all the cleaning and most of the cooking too on top of working. I remember seeing Sebastian spend hours cleaning and sanitizing everything so Ciel never got sick."

They stayed silent for a bit, just relaxing with each other until Claude broke the silence.

"Not to speak ill of the dead or whatever that nonsense is, but Angela was only ever concerned with outdoing the neighbors and maintaining appearances. All the time she would try and bully Sebastian into working more and more hours so they could afford nicer things like so and so down the road." Claude sighed, "They were barely married for little over a year and she messed him up real badly. A year of marriage and family life gave him five years in a mental hospital and over a decade of self-imposed emotional exile."

Alois just listened, he had met Claude less than a decade ago —he had been hired as a secretary at the law firm Claude worked at and they had fallen in love— so he had only heard some of the stories of his brother-in-law's tragedies.

Claude pressed his forehead against Alois', "As insane as it sounds, but I am glad Ciel is back. Maybe Sebastian will finally start treating himself kindly if not for his son's sake."

"It is not insane at all, Sebastian is lucky to have a brother like you." Alois comforted, kissing his husband gently


"You should just kill yourself." A feminine voice said, waking Sebastian up

Sitting up, Sebastian looked around for the source, seeing his wife sitting on the edge of the bed.

She looked exactly as he remembered: her platinum blonde hair was cut into a bob, her lavender eyes stared into his crimson ones and she wore her favorite date night dress —one that was a gold with a deep sweetheart neckline and spaghetti straps and a long thigh slit.

"Go away." Sebastian mumbled, looking down at his lap like a child in trouble

"Why would I?" Angela asked, "This is my home too."

The man closed his eyes, "You are not welcome anymore."

"Why not? Do you not love your wife?" The lavender eyed woman asked, a pout obvious in her voice

Sebastian shook his head, "I have not loved you since you took Ciel away from me. But I have him back again."

"Do you really?" She asked

The sound of gurgling and whines could be heard, making Sebastian open his eyes.

There, wiggling in Angela's arms, was Ciel as he was when he was a baby.

Sebastian had always been a firm atheist but Angela was a very Christian woman and talked him into getting Ciel christened.

The only reason Sebastian had agreed to that was the gown all the babies wore during that ceremony, which is what Ciel wore now.

Ciel was all dolled up as he had been on that day, wearing his lacy long white gown and matching cap.

"B-Baby boy-" Sebastian whimpered, reaching out towards the infant

Angela held the baby away from him, not letting him touch, "No no, you do not get to have him while you are still impure and living. Kill yourself and you can be with us again."

The offer was tempting, but the sound of the baby monitor brought him back to reality.

He could not die when his darling Ciel still depended on him.

Perhaps if Angela —or rather his own self destructive mind using her form— had played that card before he had found his child it would have worked.

Shooing her away, Sebastian picked up the little monitor and listened to it.

He heard a bit of mumbling, his sweet boy was talking in his sleep.

Getting out of bed and going upstairs, Sebastian walked in and smiled at the sight of his precious son.

Ciel was all curled up in his crib with Bitter Rabbit, his blanket all curled around him like a burrito and his head snuggled into his plush pillow.

Kissing Ciel's head, he stayed and watched him peacefully sleep for a few minutes before walking back to his own bedroom.


In the morning, as daddy bathed him, Ciel hummed.

Playing with rubber ducks, Ciel suddenly paused as a good feeling washed over him.

Noticing that daddy was cleaning his inner thighs, Ciel blushed and pressed his thighs together to trap daddy's hand between them.

Sebastian just chuckled and called him playful, oblivious to how good his touch felt to the teen.

After all, daddy was just trying to clean him, not anything sexual.

But Ciel was growing more than just a familial attachment to his daddy...

Daddy's Little Boy: a Ciel X SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now