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Narrator's POV

A few weeks flew on by and Sebastian received a text from his half brother asking if he and his family could come visit.

Sebastian was yet to reply, not sure if he should allow it: he wanted to see Claude and Alois and Luka but he did not want to share the news of Ciel's return with anyone.

So, that night at dinner while he fed Ciel, the black haired man asked if he wanted to meet his aunt and uncle and cousin.

"We have more family?" Ciel asked, not realizing he had more than just daddy

"Yes, Claude is my younger half brother and best friend. Alois is his wife and they have a son, a little boy like you but a bit younger, named Luka." Sebastian explained, pulling up a picture on his phone

The blunette stared at the small happy family on the screen, at the three figures.

The first was a man who greatly resembled Sebastian except his eyes were golden instead of crimson and his hair was styled a bit differently.

The next was what he assumed was a woman with blond hair styled into twin buns and pale blue eyes.

Finally was their child who was an actual child around two or three years old with light brown hair and deep brown eyes.

"I want to meet them, daddy." Ciel agreed, cuddling against the older male


Within a few days, the Faustus' arrived to stay the weekend.

Sebastian had prepared the guest room perfectly, laundering the bed sheets and making sure it was tidy.

Around noon, the door bell rang and Sebastian rushed to the door, letting his half brother and his family in.

Ciel peeked at the sight from the hallway, his body mostly hidden by the corner.

None of the adults noticed the blunette watching as they talked, but Luka did.

The grey eyed boy tugged on the skirt of his mother's sundress, pointing down the hallway, "Muma, who dat?"

Alois looked to where Luka was pointing, seeing Ciel.

"Did you get a girlfriend, Sebastian?" The blonde asked her brother-in-law

"N-No, nothing like that." Sebastian mumbled, "I...uh...I found Ciel."

Claude and Alois' eyes widened, "What?"


About ten minutes later, Ciel found himself sitting in the living room with his Aunt Alois and Cousin Luka.

The blunette was playing with his cousin, stacking blocks with him.

The heterochromatic eyed boy did his best not to shiver, feeling his aunt's gaze rarely leave him.


Upstairs in Sebastian's office, said man sat with his brother across from him, both holding a glass of whiskey.

"How long have you had Ciel back?" Claude softly asked after taking a sip of his liquor

The younger man knew his brother had always been a little off, there were times that his imagination overruled reality.

And honestly, Claude would not put it past one of Sebastian's fantasies to kidnap someone and force them to be his dead son.

Daddy's Little Boy: a Ciel X Sebastianजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें