chap 8

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It has been 4 months since Rengoku's death, and everything has gone back to normal just the way it was before the bright pillar passed. The trio continued their training and gone on minor missions and the Hashiras doing what they usually do. I sighed as i found Tanjiro outside with the trio. Rengokus last words to me echoed through my head. "Believe in your peers once in a while."

I'm sorry Rengoku-san. I can't do that.

I gripped the edge of my cape. I had switched my uniform from the female uniform to male and made sure i had the cape on so that it wont fall during battle.

"Tanjiro. Zenitsu. Inosuke. Get over here." i said as they slowly stopped their workout. "yes Y/n-san?" i looked at him before letting out a small sigh.

"I lied."


"I said i lied. I lied about my past." i said to tanjiro who looked at me a bit sad. "Huh?" zenitsu questioned. 

"I told tanjiro about my past. But i lied. so let me tell all of you. And i expect this not to get out to anyone. You understand?" i said as i glared at them, causing them to shudder and quickly nod.

"lets go to my estate. No one will be there." i said as they followed after me. 

"Now let me tell you the whole story." i said as the three sat down.

"I lived in a forest with my family, very close to a mountain as well. I had 3 siblings. My two brothers and my sister. One day my sister got sick so i traveled to town to get some medicine for her. It was quite far you see. So when i got there, it was around noon. Note that i left at about 6 in the morning." i said as tanjiro looked over at me.

"And when you got back a demon attack your place and killed your family right?" he asked as i nodded. 

"But thats not it. You're half right." i said as the trio looked at me "Then what huh?! What happened?!" Inosuke shouted as i glared at him.

"My parents were eaten. And one of my brothers too."

"One? so that means..."

"Yes. My other brother and my sister survived. But..."

"But what?! GET ON WITH IT!" inosuke shouted again. I glared at him again and he quickly fell silent. 

"But my sister was turned into a demon." I said as zentisu's eyes grew wide.

"W-well where is she now?!" he asked as i shook my head.


The three fell silent before tanjiro spoke. "How... how did she die?" 

"Executed. I killed her." i watched silently as they start asking a bunch of questions.

"Shush. let me explain. See, your sister doesn't eat humans right?" I asked as tanjiro nodded.

"My sister didn't either." 

"Then why-" I looked over to him as he trailed off.

"Let me explain. Me and by brother managed to stick a piece of bamboo into her mouth and we knocked her out. We were fine we survived on our own, hunting for food and hiding when night came." i paused.

"But one day, my sister's muzzle fell and she lost control and bit my brother... And killed him. So i had to execute her. So i cut off her head, managed to tie her down, and i waited until the sun came up. And She burned of course." i trailed off waiting for a responce from the three. Zenitsu had started crying and tanjuro looked shocked and well, i couldnt really tell what the boar head was thinking.

"So you had to kill your sister... Because she ate your brother?" i nodded. 

"She was going to attack me next. So i had to kill her. And soon after that, my master who trained me found me next to my brother just staring at nothing so he took me in and trained me to kill demons." i finished as they nodded.

"And of course, he's dead as well."


"I've seen pillars get killed in battle. i had followed some of them when they went on missions. the people I've followed, they were my friends. because of me. they all died. My breathing technique wasn't the one my master used. This was my own breathing style."

"Alright then. you-" A scream cut off what i was about to say as we all stood up. I grabbed my sword which was laying on the ground. I quickly placed it back into it's sheath, running towards the scream with the three following behind me. 

reaching the butterfly estate, i was able to hear what was going on. 

"Let us go!"

"My god just shut up." i heard uzui's voice say in response. 

"Hey! whats going on here?" i yelled once they were in view.

"Oh y/n." 

I sighed. i looked past him and the two girls he was holding, Kanao was looking like she was going to explode. Then she ran up to tengen and grabbed one of the girls hand and the other her clothes. 

"Don't just pull on me so plainly. You have your orders." I sighed and taped his shoulder. "Come on let them go. These three will go with you instead." I said as he turned to look at me. 

"They can pretend to be girls. You're going to the red light district right?" He nodded. Tanjiro didn't even wait before going to headbut him. But before he could land the headbutt, uzui disappeared and reappeared on top of the roof. 

"I am the 'former shinboi' Uzui Tengen-sama. The man who is known as the most flamboyant around these parts." he said as i grabbed tanjiros arm. 

"Idiot. He's a pilliar. or did you forget that? You can't beat him." i let of of him and started rubbing the cloak, my head going back in time again.

"The red light district. where the demons live."

"I'll come with you." i said as i came back to the present. "Woahhh you really will?!" 

i nodded.

"I AM GOD!" He yelled again.

"Uzui-san... i think we get the point..." i sighed while he spoke to the three. 


Hes gone. I grumbled a bit under my breath before running after uzui and the trio soon followed.

Timeskip cus i suck-

"Once we infiltrate the red light district, we first have to look for my wife. I'll be looking around for information on the demons as well." 

"THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE!" Zenitsu screamed. "Please don't use your subordinates to look for personal brides!"

when zenitsu finally stopped screaming, tanjiro looked at the letters.

"There sure is a lot, have your wife been in there for a long time?"

"I have three wives." 

A pause.

"Zenitsu. Please don-" 


This... is going to take a while i guess.

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