Chap 6

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"Destructive kill: compass needle." A snowflake like thing formed on the ground under akaza. "If you don't become a demon. I'll kill you!" He said before rushing over to rengoku and engaged in combat.




Did he say he'll kill Rengoku-San?

I watched as the two of them fight as the demon spoke to rengoku.
'Upper moon three...'

I watched woth as Rengoku was suddenly in front of akaza. I looked over to see Tanjiro trying to get up.

"Don't move! If your wound opens it'll be fatal!" Rengoku yelled glancing over to us.

"Kyojuro-San! Focus on the battle!" I yelled over to him. "I'll take care of the boy..."

He nodded before returning to the fight. By now, the boar head kid had came over to Tanjiro. The technique Rengoku used cause dust to raise, as I shielded my eyes from the dirt and gravel.

When the dusst cloud cleared, akaza had a cut on his cheats while Rengoku had lost an eye and breathing heavily. I grabbed my sword and ran over to akaza.

"Breath of melancholy. Forth form: Breaking dam!" I said as I swung my sword at him. He looked over to me and simply dodged. "FIGHT ME!" I screamed at him as he ignored me and continued to talk to rengoku.

"Even if you fight with the intention to sacrifice your body, it's all pointless kyojuro. No matter how much you struggle, humans can't beat demons." He said pointing at Rengoku. He paused before inhaling.

A red aura, like a burning flame surrounded Rengoku as he gripped his sword and lifted it up getting into another fighting stance. "I will fulfill my duty! I won't let anybody die here!"

"Rengoku-San... this is not going to end well is it."I thought to myself as the two started to fight once again. I clenched my sword and glared at the demon. If I jump in and fight with Rengoku... I wouldn't be able to keep up. Their pace right now is faster then before. As they fought, a cloud of dust and pieces of stone filled the area. Rengokus flame quickly turned into a whirlwind of fire, reaching to the sky, lifting the area up. Before it disappeared and dust filled the area.

Everything was silent and slowly, the dust cloud cleared.


Blood dripping from Rengokus's mouth, and Akaza's arm through his stomach. His organs obviously destroyed. While Akaza only lost a small part of the side of his head, his shoulder cut up to his chest, and one of his arm split in half.


"You'll die! You'll really die Kyojuro!" Akaza yelled at Rengoku as his arm started to regenerate. "BE A DEMON!" Say you'll be a demon!" He said as his shoulder started to regenerate as well, and his head soon followed. "You are one of the selected!" I watched silently as Rengokus eyes widened and he gripped his sword as veins appeared on his hand.

Swinging his sword, it connected with Akaza's head and sunk in. Akaza tried to pull out his hand, but it was stuck. Raising his now regenerated arm up, he swung his fist at Rengoku. But instead, Rengoku grabbed his writs as they both let out a yell, Akaza trying to get away, while Rengoku trying to keep the demon, and wait until the sun fully rises.

I turned my head over to the light that started to shine through the mountains. The sun was raising. Dawn...

Of course this caused the demon to panic and pull harder. Tanjiro grabbed his sword and started to run over to the two, yelling to the boar head. Because inosuke was in better shape, he quickly ran ahead of Tanjiro.

Both of them froze when they heard the flame pillar and the demon let out another Loud scream, both trying to get to their goal at the time. One to kill, and one to get away. Rengokus sword sunk deeper into the demons head, almost halfway through.

My eyes widened when inosuke ran over and got ready to attack. Of course akaza sees this and pushed himself off the ground, ripping both his hands and part of his arm off.

"RENGOKU!" I screamed and grabbed by sword chasing the demon who was running into the forest. Tanjiro yelled at him, and threw his sword at him which Pierced his chest.

I glared into the forest and threw my sword as well, this time going into the demons neck.

"YOU'RE THE LOSER!" Tanjiro yelled as I gasped and ran over to where Rengoku was. Tanjiro was screaming and crying in anger and sadness. I looked over at Rengoku, Who was smiling at the boy.


why is he smiling?

You're about to die Kyo-san.


Why are you smiling? Why do you look so happy?

Don't you know that i need you?

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