Richard and Kori's Life Path

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In Mount Justice where the original team were in the living room area. Everyone was taking a seat besides

Aqualad: "Are you sure you are comfortable with this, Dick?" He said with gentleness and sorrow.

Artemis: "We will miss you dearly." She said. She stood up, walked over towards Nightwing and gave him a hug.

Zatana: "What will you be doing in the meantime?"

Beast Boy: "Yeah, what now?"

Nightwing: "I'll be..." he had to think of something real quick to say. "...discovering life."

Artemis: "By?"

Nightwing: "I don't know yet."

Beast Boy: "Hey, no pressure. You have all the time in the world for that."

Nightwing: "Thanks, Gar."

The room began silence until Connor cleared his voice.

Connor: "It'd won't be the same without you, man. But I respect your decisions."

Nightwing: "Thank you. Thank you to all so much. It's been the best 7 years of my life."

M'gann: "Starfire!" She flew over to those two. "make sure you're still up for movie night, right?"

Starfire: "Why of course not. Wouldn't miss it for the world."

M'gann: "Great!" She flew back to her original seat next to Connor who was sitting in front of Beast Boy and other side of Wyynde, Aqualad's boyfriend.

The two turned around and went through the zeta tubes. The tubes pronounced their names and they teleported out.

Connor felt sad about Richard leaving the league. After all, he was the one to free him out and let him have a welp, decent life and to be free and not used as a weapon. Richard was like a big brother to him. Connor wanted Richard to be happy also. He shed a tear.

M'gann: "Baby, are you crying?" She said smiling.

The other team members faced towards Connor.

Connor: "What!? No! I'm not. It's hot in here... and... my eyes sweat. It's something related about kryptonian power or whatever."

The other team members laughed.

Connor: "What's so funny?"

Beast Boy: "You can not lie even if your life depended on it, bro." He said laughing hardly, wiping the tears from laughter from his eyes and cheeks.

Connor: "Whatever." He rolled his eyes, crossing his legs.

The other team members continued to laugh.

**Richard and Kori**

The former hero couple walked in their new apartment.

Kori: "Ooh! I can not wait any longer for our date tonight!" Kori sat down a box she was unpacking and flew over Richard.

Richard: "Me too. I've missed times like this." He said unpacking a box for the kitchen.

Kori: "Let's have some fun!"

Richard: "But you said after our date-"

Kori: "Not that kind of fun"

Richard: "What do you mean?"

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