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“aren’t you going?” hitomi asked as she reached out for the letter placed in the trash can

“why should i?” nako replied, clearly not showing any excitement as she look at the girl

hitomi sighed, she hates it when nako gets stubborn just from a high school reunion party, “gosh nako! it’s just a high school reunion, what could have possibly gone wrong?!”

“that’s what i mean! high school reunion! you want me to see her?”

“it’s been years! you shouldn’t even be affected and who knows that she feels nothing anymore? you missed korea, are you really going to suffer because of one person? you aren’t like this, nako”

hitomi sighed before straightening the slightly crumpled envelope before placing it on the table, “sakura is already in korea for years with chaeyeon and i have to visit yuri’s parents next week with her. take care of yourself alone in the house or you can go as well”

with that she left the smaller girl alone in the living room, staring at the envelope that she had got for about five years in a row now

“i just don’t want to see her again” she whispered under her breath

it's been years and i’m still like this, imagine how much pain i’ll get when i see her

“aah! why am i crying again?!”

it’s always end up like this. nako would get paranoid by the invitation to the reunion, hitomi would get annoyed and nako would end up crying when she can’t get rid of chaewon, her highschool sweetheart, from her mind

the short haired girl sighed, as she bring her head downward before ruffling her hair in frustration, “i can’t believe minju tricked me into going”

chaewon raised her gaze to see the sign of the barbecue restaurant, a place where the reunion is held every year

reunion which she never went to for years but forced to this year

i swear to god that i’ll get this girl later on

minju knows very well how chaewon hates the thought of going to the reunion but she managed to convince the girl by saying she’ll keep her company but nope.

the girl ditched chaewon just for a late night date with her girlfriend, hyewon

“yah! what are you doing outside? it’s cold” a random classmate who chaewon didn’t remember the name anymore called her in when she opened the door to see the girl standing outside of the restaurant

chaewon slowly make her own way inside, waving to those who greeted her, not really knowing if they done it out of polite or if they truly remembered her

she doesn't even remember anyone, how did she end up here again?

“do you mind if i sit here?” chaewon politely asked as she arrived at the table at the very end of the restaurant. all tables is packed up with people and she don’t like to bump into strangers

“sure, just don’t take my meat” the girl raised her head to see the one who decided to ruin her peace

she looks awfully similar

eyy she can’t be chaewon right?

chaewon frowned when she saw the other’s face, “nako?”

“do you know me?”

she doesn't recognize me? is it because of my short hair?

“it’s me, chaewon” the older gulped nervously when she saw the latter widened her eyes, knowing that this won’t end up being good

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