Chapter 20

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(sorry it's kinda jumpy this chapter. there were many things that I had planned out for this and I didn't want it to be like a couple paragraphs long sooooo yeah. I might post two chapters in one day, coz I'm really enjoying writing this story)

~kaycee pov~

Suddenly, I feel an arm around my shoulder. I shudder as I realise who it is, his touch instantly making me uncomfortable. 

"Hey baby." he whispers into my ear. I fake gag before throwing his arm off of me.

"Don't call me that." I reply rudely.

"Come on Kayc." Zane says.

"No! For starters: I have to go home before my parents wonder where I am. Secondly: I'm having a horrible week, so leave it before I take my anger out on you. And don't think I won't, I have enough built up inside me to put someone who crosses me in hospital. Don't even think about walking with me. Stick your ignorant flirting up your ass!" I shout at him before storming off. I can't hear his footsteps behind me, so I hope that he has decided to not pursue me anymore. I continue walking, glancing every now and then at my phone to check the time. My parents will notice that I'm twenty minutes late... I mean normally I would be. Oh no, the questions will start rolling in. Okay, look on the bright side: I have just been asked to collaborate with Tessandra Chavez and she asked me herself! That's one good thing that has come out of this week! Oh I don't know, it seems wrong. She wanted both Sean and I, and if Sean doesn't work with me then he will miss what could be the most important phases in his dance career. I mean that's if he wants a dance career. He has potential to have one! He's an incredible dancer, and I don't want him to let his talent go to waste because of one argument. But I have to let him recover and he can come to me first. If he misses it, he misses it. 

I continue walking down the street, looking into the shops as I go past. Most of them are shut, but the occasional one is open. The street lamps light up the road along with the cars going past every now and then. Other than that, the street is quiet. I get to an all too familiar point on the sidewalk. The sign that hangs off of the wall is squeaking as it swings back and forth in the wind. I take a deep breath in as I realise that someone is in there. I already know who it is, and I know he will be waiting for me to pass. Well maybe he won't be waiting, but he knows I will pass at some point. As I get closer to the shop, I hear music coming from the inside. I stay out of view but get closer towards the wall which breaks into the window. 

"Gone, Harry Hudson." I whisper to myself as I analyse the song that is playing. I peak around the window and see the tables and chairs pushed to the sides. 

"He's created a dance space for himself." I say.

I watch him move to the music, completely away from the world. I can see his emotion through his movement and his expressions. It's mesmerising. It was like this when I first saw him freestyle, but this time it's slightly different. That time it was clearly for fun, this time you can tell he's hurting. He's such an incredible dancer, I just wish the world could see...

I suddenly grab my phone out of my pocket and pull up the camera app. He's going to hate me for this. I click record and film him as he dances around the shop. You can just about hear the music through the glass, enough for the microphone to pick it up. He's so in his own world that he doesn't notice me filming him from outside. 

When the song finishes, he bends over double, shaking his head before going over to the computer. I walk backwards from the glass, making sure I'm out of sight before stopping the recording. I lean against the wall and think through everything I have just seen. He's hurting, I can see it through his dancing. And the song choice... I don't know, maybe I am overthinking or getting my hopes up. I turn off my phone and slip it back into my pocket. I stop leaning against the wall and take a few steps back to make it look like I was just walking along normally. I walk past the entrance to the shop, keeping my head down so I don't look up at him. I can see him out of the corner of my eye, watching me walk past. 

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