Chapter 10- year one

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The end of the beginning

I knew I had to go to dinner tonight as it was the last night and Slytherin would be winning the house cup, but I really did not need to see Harry or anyone else for that matter. The story of what had happened in the dungeon had spread like wildfire throughout the school and now everyone was talking about it. Harry was in still in the hospital wing so all eyes turned to me. Delightedly, Draco stayed by my side for the rest of the day playing the role of my body guard. Crabbe and Golye joined in as well once they saw how much fun Draco was having pushing people out of his way and scaring people to stop staring at me. I was grateful for them to have my back, but when we ran into Hermione and Ron, it was a different story. Draco decided it was their fault and went straight up to Ron and punched him in the face. Ron immediately came back and caught Draco in the eye, but before anything more could happen I dragged all three boys away from Ron and Hermione while they shouted insults.

As much as I didn't want to go to the final dinner, Draco was making me. He was following me around all afternoon, not just to punch people if he felt like it but also because he knew I would try and sneak off. He was so proud Slytherin were going to win the house cup because he said he was the one to earn all the points. He also said that Harry, Ron and Hermione had made it too easy for him to get points because they were the reason why Gryfinndor was going to come last. I couldn't get around being so happy for our house when I just wanted to get on the train home and never see anyone ever again. Of course I knew both Sev and Draco would make sure I came back to Hogwarts next year, but after hearing my father had been at the school in the back of one of my professors head, I wasn't excited to come back. I was annoyed at myself I didn't realise or sense he was present. I had given myself a silent vow I would be more cautious during the next year and if I thought he was around at anytime to go straight to Dumbledore.

The last feast was amazing. I wanted to go down to the kitchens and thank the house elves but Draco wouldn't let me leave because they were just about to announce the house winners. Professor Dumbledore started with last place first which was Gryfinndor, then came Hufflepuff and then Ravencraw. When Slytherin was announced to have the most points everyone but me got up and celebrated, and then Dumbledore crushed Draco's dreams. He first awarded Ron with 50 points, then Hermione with 50 and of course Harry got 60 points for showing courage and love. Draco's scowl was priceless I was having a hard time not laughing. The funniest was when a short stubby boy called Longbottom was awarded 10 points. I thought Draco was about to start crying so I put my arm around him and gave him a hug. He muttered something to Crabbe which I imagined was something mean towards Gryfinndor but I didn't care much, I was just happy to get out of the great hall and into bed. I was ready to board the train and say goodbye to Hogwarts until next September. Just before I headed up to bed, Sev came to the common room and asked to talk with me. Everyone started to whisper and I figured they were probably wondering what dark things we were going to discuss, although, it wasn't dark at all.
"Tomorrow you won't be getting on the train." Sev said.
"What? Why not? I want to go home!" I demanded.
"Nyx, I know this year has been hard, but they aren't all going to be like this, and the only reason you're not going home on the train is because you will floo powder with me later in the evening."
"Oh, okay." With that said, we said goodnight and I as soon as I hit my pillow I fell straight to sleep.

The next morning I didn't want to get out of bed, but I forced myself to because I wanted to walk Draco down to the train. He was surprised and a little sad when I told him I wasn't going home on the train with him, he wanted to discuss what we would do our holidays and I told him I wanted to go to the beach.
"The beach? Why the beach?" He asked
"Because it's relaxing. And I feel I have a pretty tough year. Well not that tough but tough." We laughed together.
"What about Greece?" I asked him "Do you think Sev and your parents would let us go?"
"Definitely not by ourselves." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes at him.
"I talk to mum and dad about it. I'm sure Snape will be fine with it." He told me. I was excited to be spending the holidays with Draco and meeting his parents, although Sev had told me his dad was ghastly annoying. I gave Draco one last hug and said goodbye to him and the boys. I walked back up to the castle heading for the kitchen as I wanted to say goodbye to a few more friends.

When I reached the kitchens, there was a huge cake sitting on the front table. I thought it might of been on of the house elves birthdays but turns out they made it for me. It was a huge chocolate cake with green and silver icing. It wrote "Your the best" on the top in huge bright green letters. After nagging at the elves to have some cake with me, we finally all sat around the middle table and enjoyed the amazing cake. I told them of what I wanted to do on the holidays and a few of the older elves gave me advice on what beaches to visit when I made it to Greece, which I was very grateful for. After I said all my goodbyes and thank you's, Cosmos walked me out.
"Master Nyx, if you ever need any help during the holidays, just say my name and I'll be there!" He said with pride.
"Thanks Cosmos. You get some rest too, yeah?" I smiled at him. He waved me off and I went to find Sev.

I finally found Sev in Dumbledore's office after having a chat with some ghosts who were kind enough to help me out. The only good thing I liked about being my fathers daughter was whenever I looked Peeves right in the eye he would evaporate as quickly as dust otherwise he probably thought I was going to turn him into a chicken. I knocked on Dumbledore's door after saying the password and walking up the stairs, carefully not try and interrupt an important conversation. A moment or two pasted and I was invited into the magical office.
"Ah, Nyx my dear girl, how have you been?" Dumbledore asked.
"Not too bad." I replied.
"I'm sure you have many questions about the previous events involving Mr. Potter and Professor Quirrell, am I right?" He gazed at me. Getting right to the point I thought, so I nodded my head. "As you may know from the rumours, Professor Quirrell had been a host to Lord Voldemort, and has since passed on after Harry went to retrieve the Philosopher's stone." Dumbledore finished.
"But my father, he can still come back, can't he." I questioned. Dumbledore gave a slight nod. I knew I should have been afraid but fear was my last emotion I was worried about, anger and rage boiled in my stomach ready to burst out if I ever saw my father again, which I knew I would.
"But the school year has finished, and you have the holidays to relax. Do you have anything planned for the summer?" Dumbledore asked.
"Draco and I are going to Greece." I blurted out, forgetting Sev was in the room.
"Oh are you now?" Sev raised an eyebrow. "And who do you think is going to take you to Greece, and do you have permission to go?" Sev pushed me.
"Umm, Sev can I go to Greece with Draco? I don't know who's going to take us but can we go?" I said happily. Dumbledore gave chuckle while Sev shock his head in pure disappointment.
"Oh to be young and adventurous." Dumbledore laughed. "You should be going now, don't want it to get too late now." He gestured to the fireplace which I understood we would be using to go home.
"See you later, Professor" I waved. He gave me a small smile and then green flames shot up and I was spinning out of control.

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