Chapter 7- year one

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After my chat with Dumbledore I felt extremely better. The next morning everyone was packing up their trunks and heading down to the train. I hadn't told Draco about talking to Dumbledore as I thought he would protest against it. I felt quite bad about it especially after he had invited me to go to Malfoy Manor for Christmas. However, I still thought it would be best to keep Dumbledore's and my meetings to our selves. Once everyone had left, there were only a few students in the castle making it easy to get a room to our selves. I sent the rest of the day in the library reading books I didn't need to. I enjoyed reading about different things I had no intention of remembering or learning. I went to the light reading section and got out a large book. The book was quite interested and saw there was an artefact called a philosopher's stone. It was a ruby-red stone which could be used to create the Elixir of life, which made the drinker immoral, as well as transform any metal into gold and has only ever existed under the creator, famed alchemist Nicolas Flamel. I thought the stone would be very handy to have but a great burden as well and I decided I would finish the book on that note.

After I realised I had read for too long, I rushed downstairs just in time for dinner. The great hall was empty. Including me there were only 3 Slytherins, 6 Hufflepuffs, 6 Ravenclaws and 1 Gryfinndor. I went to sit at the Slytherin table where I didn't know any of the other people in my house as they were both older. They didn't seem too thrilled I was there as I think they may of been a couple. I looked towards the staff table where Sev was in a conversation with Professor Quirrell and decided it was best not to interrupt them. I then glazed my eyes across the other tables. Both the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were enjoying their meals with each other and I wasn't ready to sit with one of them. I looked to the far side of the hall where a lonely boy with dark black hair was sitting alone eating dinner, I decided to go join him. Harry looked miserable eating his kidney pie that when he looked up and saw me, he spilt his pumpkin juice all over the table. I laughed and quickly made my way over to him before he had another accident.
"Can I join you?" I asked him.
"Yeah, of course. I feel like the biggest loner here right now." He said
"Yeah well the two at the Slytherin table want some alone time I'm guessing." We laughed. We spent the next hour eating and talking, catching up on each others lives. Harry told me about the troll attack and his Quidditch games. I felt he was avoiding trying to tell me something but I didn't push him as it was just nice to be talking to him again. After we had finished our dessert, we were laughing about something Hermione had done in Potions class and we didn't realise how loud we were getting. When we had finished laughing, I looked around the great hall and realised everyone was staring at us, including the teachers. I felt my face get very hot and flustered and I saw Harry was red in the face as well. We made eye contact and gave each other a smile. Once we had finished, we got up and Harry said he would walk me to my common room. We talked all the way down and didn't stop until we reached the entrance to the Slytherin dormitories.
"Well, I'll see you in the morning then, for Christmas." Harry said. I gave him another smile then leaned in for the hug. We hugged again and both of us didn't want to pull apart. Finally after what seemed a lifetime, I let go. He looked almost disappointed when I did, but I said my good nights, whispered the password to let me in and vanished through the doors.

The next morning I got up late. I was never one to spring out of bed on Christmas, partly because Sev and I never really experience the family Christmas thing, and because we knew we had the whole day to spend together. When I reached the great hall, everyone was eating breakfast and unwrapping presents they had just received. Harry was alone again at the table but sporting a new blue jumper with a large H on the front. I walked over to him.
"Happy Christmas. Who did you get that from?" I asked him.
"Ron's mum. She said she gives one to her kids every year and she wanted me to have one. Did you get anything?"
"Not yet but I'm sure they'll be coming over in a minute or two."
"What do you mean?" Harry looked confused. I just realised Harry didn't know Severus was my legal guardian and from what Sev had said about Harry, I didn't think they were on the best of terms. However, before I could explain, Sev came over placing two presents in front of me.
"Happy Christmas, Nyx." Sev said with a scowl placed on his face as he stared at Harry.
"Thanks Se- Professor." I smiled as I handed him the little box that was his present. He walked off back to the staff table and I turned to Harry who had a matching scowl Sev had placed upon his face.
"Why did Professor Snape give you those presents?" Harry asked quite enraged.
"He's my legal guarding. He's the one who raised me." Harry's expression was priceless. It was a mixture of pure confusion, realisation and frustration rolled into one. He couldn't quite find the words to say so I continued with my breakfast and unwrapped my presents.

After breakfast Harry and I headed out of the Great hall. Harry was still awestruck that Sev was my legal guardian so I asked if he wanted to go for a walk outside. He nodded and we set off through the grounds. The snow was icy white and our footprints dented the perfectly glazed ground. After walking along the lake we found a tree which had covered the ground beneath it, so we decided to stop for a while. As we sat in silence, I felt like we had just entered the non talking stage again and I really didn't want Harry and I not to talk for so long. I thought about making small talk about the couple in Slytherin but I felt small talk wasn't really going to work for us. I stared across the lake to the forbidden forest and thought of all the magical but terrifying creatures living in there. I was so invested in studying the forest, I jolted when Harry spoke.
"Nyx, I really want to be your friend, but we're really different. I mean Snape is your parent and he hates my guts." Harry admitted. "And, you know, you're friends with Malfoy and I hate the kid and, well, our parents never really got on." I froze. I thought of Harry as a friend. I wanted to be closer with him but now as he threw our differences in my face I had no idea what to say to him. I stared out to the lake once more, remembering what Dumbledore has said about controlling my emotions. My anger was telling me to yell at Harry, to smack him across the face, but my heart was telling me he was right.
"I know." I sighed. "I really wanted us to friends because, well I thought we make a good team, I was obviously wrong, but Harry, if you need anything, I'll always be here for you." I gave him a weak smile and stood up. I wanted to run to my bed and wait out the holidays but before I could, Harry grabbed my arm and pull me into him. His arms squeezed me tight, I thought we would hold on forever, but he released me. Before I turned back to the castle, Harry moved in and kissed me on the cheek. I was so surprised I felt the snow freeze my entire body making it impossible to move. Harry went bright red and ran off towards the castle leaving me under the tree by the lake.

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