Chapter 6- year one

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Meeting with the Head

Over the past few months, I had kept my head down and just worked on my studies. I was doing well in most of my classes which made me feel proud of myself. When I had free time, I would usually spend it in the library finishing homework or just going over books I needed to read. I would see a lot of Hermione and had even asked her to help me out on the Transfiguation homework. I thought she would tell me to go away, but she just smiled and gave me a second lecture about the homework. After that encounter, Hermione would come and sit at my table if she was alone and we would work together in silence. If we had a question we would talk to each other about it. It was really nice to have a friend who wasn't a guy but I wasn't sure I could talk to her about anything else than homework as I assumed she didn't trust me.

I watched Harry get into the Gryfinndor Quidditch team and play incredibly well against Slytherin. I knew I wasn't allowed too support Gryfinndor and nor did I want to but I did want to congratulate Harry on his game. However, we hadn't talked since the first day. If I saw him in the corridors I would give him a smile but I didn't know what else to say to him. He also seem to become preoccupied with something after halloween when the troll came in. I couldn't blame him for being interested in a troll when you just survived an attack from one. I thought it would be best to give him space and let him come talk to me if he wanted to.

Draco, Crabbe, Golye and I became better friends also. Even though I didn't agree with them being such bullies, I assumed they had to uphold their reputation. Draco seemed to be running the school even though he was a first year but I laughed very hard when he got a detention for sneaking out trying to catch Harry and his friends. He told us he was super brave in the forbidden forest but I heard otherwise from Hermione. Draco didn't like the fact I was always studying with Hermione but after he had annoyed me enough about it, I yelled at him in the common room. Unfortunately, that's when things started going down hill. When I yelled at Draco, my anger was at boiling point and I thought I was going to explode. Some of the other Slytherins said my eyes turned red when I was yelling and as much as I didn't want to believe them, I knew it was true. That night I stood in the bathroom looking at my reflection in the mirror. I knew I had inherited my looks from my mother, which I was extremely grateful for. I had long straight blonde hair and deep blue eyes, but I knew those red eyes. I had seen them before, and not just in the mirror, but in my father as well. I was thankful Draco didn't believe the rumours and apologised for making me so angry but I still felt he saw what the other did as well.

Now it's almost Christmas and everyone will be heading home for the holidays. Of course, expect for me. I talked to Sev about Christmas presents and he said we would do what we usually do and get one present for each other, although I know he will get me two as he always does. After the rumours happened, the teachers had obviously heard them and Professor Dumbledore has asked me to his office to discuss what had happened. It was the night before everyone was about to leave when I was summoned to Dumbledore's office. As I made my way up to the seventh floor I was terrified I might get expelled after what had happened and even though I never wanted to come to Hogwarts in the first place, I have made friends and have had some fun times in the castle. I walked up to the huge gargoyle outside and spoke "Lemon drop". I felt like a complete idiot saying it but the gargoyle moved aside to reveal a staircase which lead to the office. I knocked against the door and was declared to enter. The room was astonishing. It held millions of tiny machines and trinkets, either all magical or just completely strange. There were all sorts of bits and bobs, outlandish objects and bizarre contractions lying around the room or carefully placed in glass cabinets. The room its self was warm and cozy, and displayed the room of what an old man would live in. Behind the wooden desk, the old man sat in his purple robes with his half moon spectacles sitting perched on his nose.
"Ah Nyx. Come, sit down." Dumbledore gestured towards a chair opposite him. I sat. "Now before I start, I want you to know you're not in any trouble." He stated. I could feel stress lift from my body as soon as he said it. "However, I am concerned about these rumours going around involving you. Could you please describe what happened between Mr. Malfoy and yourself." He spoke calmly. I told him everything. From start to finish with no lies, and nothing left out. After I finished he sat in his chair, pondering for a moment or too.
"I see." He finally said.
"Sir, I have to ask you something." I burst out.
"Ask away"
"Sir, I know my father had red eyes, through his transformation, and, I'm not really sure but do you think maybe when I get angry or maybe get triggered by something, the part of him I have inside me takes over and I become... I become evil?" I asked. I had been thinking of this not only just when the rumours started but ever since I first got really angry. I wanted to tell someone about it for a long time but no one ever seemed to be the right person, not even Sev because I knew deep down he was afraid of me when I did get angry. Dumbledore seemed to understand though. I knew he would but I held off asking him because I didn't believe he would give me a straight answer and try to sugar coat it which wasn't what I needed. Fortunately he seem to understand that as well.
"Yes, I do believe that. Your rage is a very dangerous emotion Nyx. You must learn to control it and not take it out on your friends. I know you are already quite good at controlling it but I do feel if something makes you upset or anxious, you will turn these emotions into rage. I don't know if you know this Nyx, but you are a very powerful witch. Not just because your father was Lord Voldemort but also because of your mother."
"My mother?" I questioned. "I don't know anything about her. Severus never really talked about her except that she was very brave. But I remember her dying professor, and I don't understand why I remember that." I confessed.
"Severus has told me of the night that your mother died. It was the same night you lost your father and the same night Harry lost his parents. You see, before Lord Voldemort went to kill Harry, he visited you first. When he arrived your mother was there with Severus discussing it. Your mother stood up to your father and told him he couldn't kill a child because it was like he would be killing his own daughter." Dumbledore expressed
"But he didn't care if he killed his own daughter." I sighed.
"No." Dumbledore finished. We sat in silence for the next few minutes going over what we had just discussed. It felt freeing I was able to talk to someone and not feel them be absolutely terrified of me.
"Thank you, Professor. For listening. I can't really talk to my friends about this stuff. Everyone just seems so afraid of me." I confessed.
"Do you enjoy them being scared of you?" Dumbledore asked.
"I hate it. I just wish they would treat me like a normal person." I said.
"Then you are completely different from your father." Dumbledore smiled. With that said, I felt somewhat at peace with my current situation.

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