Chapter 5- year one

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The first week

The first day was not what I planned because I didn't think I would make it past the train ride. When I woke up the other girls in my dormitory were already getting ready. The night before they had tried to avoid me as much as possible and as nicely as possible, probably because they thought I might kill them if they were mean to me. I kept away from them as well as I didn't want to freak them out too much either. I headed towards the bathroom and looking at myself in the mirror. Thankfully, I had gotten most of my looks from my mother. Her stark white straight hair fell to my stomach and my deep blue eyes stared me back. I had gaunt cheekbones which I used to hate, but as I have grown up, I felt it made me look prettier as my full lips were eyed more. 

I headed down to the common room which was lit green from the lake. I hated our common room was under the lake because I was not in the mood to go for a swim. When I reached the couches, Draco, Crabbe and Golye were waiting for me. I gave them all a smile which they all returned. I was very happy that I had these guys as friends they seemed to be the only ones not afraid of me. We headed out to great hall for breakfast. 

"Nyx." Draco said with a mouth full of bacon. "That's a really weird name."
"It's the goddess of night in Greek mythology."  I told him. He looked semi impressed but I knew he really wanted to talk about my last name instead. Lucky for me, Sev came around with our timetables just as Draco finished his piece of bacon. I stared down at my timetable. I had all my classes with Draco which was a nice way to start and I also had potions today. I was excited. Growing up with Sev the potions master of Hogwarts meant I already knew a thing or two about the subject, and by a thing or two, I knew all the potions up to grade 5. If I wanted to I could take the potion OWL and probably get an 'Outstanding'. Potions was the one thing I understood. It was kind of like cooking which I also love to do, so I was happy I had it on my first day.

After breakfast, the boys and I headed down to the basement for Potions. When we got down there, I saw we were having the class with Gryfinndor which I wasn't to thrilled about because I would have to see Harry. As we approached the door, I saw the Granger girl that was called out last night. Her hair was was still frizzy as though she didn't know how to handle it and she looked like she was getting crushed by all the books she was carrying. Next to Harry, a boy who was quite tall with red hair was talking to him about something important because when he looked up and saw Draco, he immediately stopped talking. Draco went up to Harry and the red haired boy and started to talk. I knew that Draco would be saying something rude to them as they had a run in on the train. Crabbe and Golye pushed past me to be Draco's arms if anyone decided to start a fight. I didn't want to get involved so I moved further up the stairs to get away from the situation. As I watched from afar, I saw the Granger girl and the red haired boy standing next to Harry defending him, and when I thought things were just about do go sideways, Sev stepped out into the hallway and told everyone to come in. I rushed in giving Sev a smile which he didn't return. I was a little upset but then I realised I was his student now and not his niece, and I also couldn't call him Sev but Professor Snape. I took the seat in the back corner and stayed to myself for the rest of the class.

When Potions finished, I packed up my books and headed out for my next class. I was just trailing behind Draco and the boys when a hand grabbed me and pull me into a deserted corridor. When I lifted my head to see who had dragged me off, I saw I was face to face with the one and only Harry Potter. I froze. I didn't know what do to, what to say, what think, I just stood there, staring into his green eyes.
"So that's why you ran away on the train?" Harry got straight to the point. I didn't know what to say or do, I just felt bad for being in his presence.
"I'm sorry Harry." I spoke. "If I could have stopped him for what he did to you I would have. I don't know how to apologise for, well, everything." I thought he was going to start yelling at me, telling me I'm a horrible person, but he just looked confused.
"Nyx, why are you sorry? You didn't kill my parents. Voldemort did." Most people who have shuttered at my fathers name but I only shuttered when Harry said mine. I couldn't comprehend that Harry wasn't angry at me. For most of my fear of coming to Hogwarts was that Harry Potter was going to blast me into tiny pieces, but now hearing he doesn't blame me, I couldn't understand. I was lost for words. I didn't know what to say or how to react. Harry gave me a small smile and charged at me. I thought he was going to attack me but he was giving me a hug. I hugged him back, and as he held me in his arms I started to cry. I tried not too but once I started I couldn't seem to stop. He held me tighter and I didn't want him to ever let me go. It felt like he understood all of my pain and grief towards the entire wizarding world and he knew what suffering was like. Harry didn't seem like he wanted the hug to end either which was comforting, so when the bell rang for the next class we were both reluctant to pull away. When we finally did, I realised Harry had starting crying as well.
"Well we better get to our classes." Harry croaked. I gave him a nod then turned and walked in the other direction. I turned around to see Harry waving me off, tears still streaming down both our faces.

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