|✿| Picnic Date |✿|

Start from the beginning

Immediately the (H/c) haired boy couldn't help but laugh at his blushing, dazed face. "I have something else for you as well." He chimed while sitting up as best as he could with Norman over top of him. It gave him the hint as he swiftly snapped back to reality and moved off to sit beside him on the floor.

"What do you mean?" The snowy haired boy asked cluelessly with a tilt of his head. All he recieved was a smile as (Y/n) held his hand out to him after getting up himself - the lack of an answer made his brows furrow together in confusion. Nonetheless, he accepted his hand to help him up off the ground.

Even after assisting Norman up off the forest floor, (Y/n) didn't let go of his hand. Instead he intertwined their fingers together while he began to move forward, leaving him to follow suit as the two now walked in comfortable silence. It wasn't long till they both came to a small area that wasn't as crowded with trees - there on the lush, green grass sat a checkered white and red blanket with a small, woven basket on top of it.

"A picnic?" Norman questioned as his crystal eyes took in the scene before him. A yelp suddenly escaped his lips as he was tugged forward, now finding himself trapped in the (blonde, brunette, etc.)'s arms, whom had seated himself on the blanket. (Y/n) couldn't help but grin a little at his adorable reaction.

"Yep! I asked Mama if it would be alright and she said she didn't mind. I thought it would be something fun that we could do alone." He explained cheerfully while beginning to run a hand through his boyfriends hair - said action brought a hum of delight from him as he went to bury his face against his chest. With all the the children at Gracefield, it was rather difficult to get any alone time with his significant other. So, he thought that this would be a nice, romantic idea that could let them get away just for a while.

Norman snuggled up more against the male while a gentle smile managed to make it's way to his lips. "You wanted me all to yourself, hm?" He lightly teased as he glanced up at him from where his face was nuzzled against his chest. "But thank you, that was really nice of you to do." He added on in a cheery tone, pulling away a little so he could beam a smile up at him.

(Y/n) gave a playful scoff, his cheeks a little redder as he gave the boy a small bonk on the head with his hand - all that earned was a chuckle from the albino at his embarrassed state. "Maybe I did. Is there anything wrong with wanting to spend alone time with my boyfriend?" He countered back while his (E/c) eyes averted elsewhere. It was easy to feel Norman's gaze boring into him with amusement.

"Not at all." He replied fondly, before leaning up to press a soothing, warm kiss to his reddened cheek; which, only heated up more at the contact. "I think it's sweet. Plus, I'll admit that it's nice to finally not have someone interrupting us." The blue eyed boy confessed sheepishly. He loved all his siblings, but they never left any room for him to spend quality time with his beloved - that and he always got easily flustered if ever caught being affectionate.

(Y/n) laughed quietly and gave a nod of agreement. "Exactly! So, we can stay out here as long as we like. I prepared some food along with Mama, there's... sandwiches, cookies, some fruit and vegetables, jars of juice or water." The boy looked up in thought as he listed off what he could remember packing. It wasn't anything extravagant, just some items they could snack on to keep them from getting hungry depending on how long they spent out there.

"As long as we like? Mama doesn't mind? What about our chores?" Norman inquired as he moved to now sit up between his legs instead. Everything he had listed off sounded pleasing to him - especially the cookies since they weren't allowed to have sweets all too often. He wondered how he had convinced Mama to pack them some for their little picnic.

"Yes, no she doesn't, and she excused us from them." He replied to each question that was shot at him, before sending a grin his way. "Don't worry, Nor! I know how to get what i want." He chimed with a wink, before his smile turned more mischievous. "I mean, I got you after all, didn't I?" When his boyfriends face turned a bright pink from that he had to hold his hand up to his lips to hide his laughter.

Norman's eyes narrowed playfully on (Y/n). "You only confessed first because Ray was a blabbermouth and told you that I liked you." He reminded with a shake of his head; yet, there was his usual soft smile curled on his lips. It wasn't all that long ago since that had occured, which was probably why he still got so flustered around the (H/c) haired male.

The (shorter/taller) of the two merely gave a hum as he brought the basket closer to their sitting forms. While he did that Norman moved to now sit beside him, instead choosing to lean into his side. "That, and you were too much of a chicken." He added on while opening the basket - not before sending a teasing look to the blushing boy beside him.

"I... I guess that's true as well." Norman said as he scratched the back of his neck, a close eyed smile adorning his facial features while he laughed nervously. "You hid it so well I wouldn't have ever realized you liked me back beforehand." While he spoke he watched (Y/n)'s movements, whom was currently setting out two plates for them.

First he placed a sandwich half on each, then a small scoop of fruit and vegetables from the bowls that were packed. "Hm, it's funny you say that since Ray insisted I was being too obvious. Then again, nothing ever gets passed that cyclops." The nickname drew a fit of laughter from the white haired male - in turn (Y/n)'s lips quirked up at the lovely sound. "Water or juice?" He then questioned as he took out a jar of (water/juice) for himself.

"Water, thank you."

A comfortable silence settled over the two as they ate what would be their lunch for today. It was nice and relaxing - except for Norman when he got embarrassed cause (Y/n) tried to feed him a grape. Other than that both were at ease as they finished their food and were now each nibbling on a cookie.

"Thank you for this, again." Norman was the first to finish his little sweet treat, so he immediately thanked the other once more. Once (Y/n) had finished his own he swiftly pulled the albino into his arms, finding it amusing how he let out a noise of surpise as he fell against his chest.

"No need to thank me..." The (blonde, brunette, etc.) trailed off, allowing a devious smile to curl on his lips - a sight that made the boy in his arms nervous. "But if you're going to, perhaps you can thank me with a kiss?" As he asked that he pointed to his lips and practically beamed down at him.

Norman's gaze quickly softened and his tense form relaxed. No time was wasted as his pale hands went to cup his cheeks, pulling him towards himself as his lips met his own in a tender kiss.

Nothing special happened, as that was how the rest of their day was mostly spent. Norman and (Y/n) stayed cuddled on the blanket - if they weren't, then they were off running around playing one on one tag - and slowly munched away at what was in the basket. They had been out there so long that stars had began to appear in the sky while they were laying down.

Eventually Mama had to come retrieve the two and bring them back. Of course they followed hand in hand, a little upset their alone time had ended but overall still happy from today's events - until Ray's teasing started the minute he saw their intertwined hands.

(Y/n) was soon scolded by Mama, since he had thrown an apple out of his basket at Ray's head for embarrassing Norman.


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