Wow, can you believe Andrew just took my son away from me? If this continues for a few more days, Amar will forget me and I will be a lonely lady with 10 cats and 20 dogs.

The shower and story are gonna take really long. In the meantime let me prepare for the surgery, I thought to myself and slouched myself in front of our Tv playing the surgery procedure in the living room.

"Wow! Is this your idea of entertainment?" Andrew asked me from behind coming down the stairs.

I just gave him a goofy smile, he took his suit jacket off, and now he is wearing just a pair of wet shirts and pants.

"Did you take a bath with him too?" I asked him looking at his clothes.

"This is my first time and we played with water, it was fun." He said with a beautiful dimple showing a smile on his face.

"Sure it is, you should stop doing everything he asks. He is going to turn into a jerk if you won't stop." I hissed at him, with jealousy that my son is gonna leave me for Andrew.

"Woah! Woah! Where is the jerk coming from huh?  My Amar is going to be the nicest person on earth okay? Did you see how he treats Elena, Danny, and Alex? He is a gem, don't say anything bad about him. We Aces take care of each other." He said in a smug tone. He has more confidence in my son than I do. I'm just scared about my son, I don't want him to be like his father.

"You make Aces sound like a cocky cult. You have to say No to him someday and I will be waiting for that day to wipe that stupid smug off your face." I said back to him and closed my book.

"You are just like Amar, a hangry person. Like mother, like son I guess. Let's go eat before you blame me for the earthquake in Indonesia." He said holding my hand and pulling me towards the dining table to eat some food.

"Hey, I'm not Hangry. You are just annoying when it comes to Amar." I defended myself.

"Can we watch something else while eating, I don't wanna see these gross pictures?" Andrew said scrunching his nose and looking at the video of a man making an incision on the abdomen.

"Nope, you are watching this," I smirked at him increasing the volume.

"Oh my! You doctors are evil. How can you eat?" He said pushing his plate away from him.

I gave him an evil smile and gave him the remote, so he can eat some food. I'm not that evil to stop him from eating. After eating Andrew got a call and left the house bidding his bye. Amar and Andrew make this house loud. There are always smiles and giggles between them.

They say an empty mind is a devil's workshop, and I don't want a devil to work my mind. So, I went upstairs to look at my son who can get me away from the vortex of loneliness that was pulling me in. He smells so good that I could just eat him. I went and snuggled my son and slept hugging him ignoring all my pains and problems entering my mind.

We woke up on time, I went to Amaya's house to check up on her. She said she was feeling better and yelled at me for thinking too much. By the time we reached all the kids came back. Amar as usual wanted to stay with his Favorite Aunt and his cousins. I knew this would happen if the kids were there, so I was prepared for it. I left him at Amaya's house and drove myself to work after eating breakfast.

"Divya, the OR is ready for you," Becky said coming into my room while I am looking at Ms.Gina's reports from this morning.

"The reports look normal, did the anesthesiologist come by?" I asked her getting up from my chair.

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