m e a n i n g

82 23 17

"do you have to spend your life with someone for it to have meaning?"

am i enough

to fill the hollow emptiness

of my life

if i stretch my limbs

long enough

or if i scream

loud enough

into the void

to pierce the darkness

and have meaning

bounce back at me

instead of an echo

of something less?

you- you are enough,

you carry the meaning

of my life

in your hands

with more faith

than a prayer,

and you are simply

a life without end

that makes me

want to live

but you are not

the cookie cutter shape

of what life should be

but life itself—

the kind that grows roots

deep in the ashes of death

and takes shape

with wondering, wandering vines that twist

and fall off the page,

finding my hand

and pulling me into your garden

where you plant ideas

i've never seen before

with petals rich and soft

fading from red to orange to pink

like a sunset and sunrise

marking the days as they go by,

and i've never felt more whole

the days never slip past me

when you're there to

slow it and fill it

and place your love in vases,

because does life have meaning

if you don't even let it grow?

if you don't let it age and wilt

and only have the meaning remain

in the scents of peonies and prose,

you the lilac, and i the rose,

and let our lives die together

with a sunset to mourn us

and a sunrise to greet us

into the great unknown?



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