Authors note.

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If you're reading this, then you have been warned.
I may or may not continue this story, or write something like it because this was sort of a safe haven. And I kind of wish I hadn't finished it, because I still want to express a little more feeling with it and maybe make the metaphor a little more visible.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention this during the book, this entire story is a huge metaphor. Try and figure it out. Hint: one person + two sides = two people... lol have fun trying to work that out. 
If you feel like Nala didn't get a happy ending, then...... you're wrong. You're just wrong.
I'm about to ruin this story for you.
Both girls were actually dead in the dreams that Nala and Lucia had, and they were seeing the future for when they become ghosts. The dreams made Nala happy because she had depression and thought being dead would make everything better, except she didn't realise that at the time. The dreams made Lucia happy because she still had some hope in her and could still remember the kindness Nala had shown her when she was a child and knew that it was Nala in the dreams, but Nala couldn't remember how happy she was when she was with Lucia as a child because, as Bella said near the end, her sadness had consumed her. Nala was always destined to die young, and the reason the story is called Shadows is because throughout the story, you see Nala become like a shadow of sadness. To her, death is the cure to becoming that shadow, the only way out of it. Her suicide was her escape from being that shadow, and being reunited with Lucia was her happy ending. 
Hope you enjoyed reading this story!

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