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Bella POV.

!Trigger warning!

Nala Rose committed suicide six weeks after Lucia's funeral.
"I wish I hadn't stolen your work." I say to her gravestone, "I wish I hadn't been so toxic to you. Nala, I hope you can forgive me. I know you probably won't, I know how stubborn you can be. But, in case you want me to do you something to make up for it, I have published all of your stories as official books under your name. I'm trying to make everyone get better, as well. I've written a biography about you and published that as well, so your story is being shared throughout the land. Your stories are selling very well, and people love your biography. They say it makes them cry at some points, and laugh at others. I know how much you loved it when your stories were so powerful they made people cry, or laugh out loud. I think you'd be glad to see people read your stories all over the world as a ghost."
I place a single black rose on the soil.
"You don't know how long it took me to find that." I laugh slightly, "I paid so much money at an auction for one. They were going for thousands."
I pause, "Speaking of thousands... you'll be pleased to know that the large amount of money from your stories has gone to your mum, sister and brother. And it's still being given to them as so many people buy your books and you wrote so many of them, so their pile of money just keeps growing. Your mum doesn't have to work so hard anymore, in fact she barely has to work at all. Your family understand that you don't want them mourning you forever. They were upset for a very long time, but now they're living happily. Siddy has a guitar that doesn't have any broken strings now, he's a very talented musician and his band are being paid to do gigs now. And Kiki. . . well." I smile, "Kiki has turned seven, and she has turned out to be a very gifted artist. Your mum can now pay for Kiki to go to one of the most amazing art schools in the country, and it's not a boarding school. Most of the teachers at the art school work as artists or used to work as artists themselves, and I've met the group of friends she hangs around with. They're very sweet, almost like seven year old versions of you and Lucia. Kiki will grow up to be a wonderful person. Siddy already has.
"I visited Lucia's dad. I gave him the first glass of non-alcoholic water that he's had in a long time. He's sobering up now, and he has a girlfriend. He's being much nicer to his neighbour, Lucky, and Lucky doesn't have to come round and clean him up anymore because he hasn't passed out in a long time. He's got a job, and that woman Susan is doing alright as well. I taught her a lesson, and she's trying to quit smoking as well. Your dad is getting better too. The judge at his court case sent him to jail, and he got put in his place really quickly there. He's doing a lot better now, and knows that abusing you, Kiki, Siddy and Clara was wrong. He's so sorry about that. When I took Clara and your siblings to visit him, he was crying and he said how sorry he was. He just kept saying sorry, over and over again. I was talking with one of the prison guards as well, he made sure that your dad didn't start getting sick with vanity again. He also went on a rant about how he abused you all, and how terrible it was. I think he was a bit pissed off with him, to be honest. And, I mean, I can't really blame him. I know you don't like your dad, so I don't think you'll mind me saying that. I think you'd like him if you met him when he gets out of prison."
I think about the other people that I've tried to help, or the other people that Nala knew.
"Your mum was quite depressed when you died. She stopped eating for a while, and stopped cooking and couldn't look after Kiki for a while. I came over to entertain Kiki while Siddy cooked meals for her and while Siddy engaged in conversation with your sister, I would try and coax something into Clara. Eventually, she got better. She used some of the money from your books to get a therapist, and a new house. The therapist really helps her, she can talk about your dad sexual abuse to her, and having to watch her children be abused, and talk about you to her therapist. She's doing a lot better for it, and looks after Kiki and Siddy properly again. They have a new house, it's a big one and it overlooks the park. Kiki has a big bedroom, a playroom and her own artists' room. Siddy has a sound-proof music room for his band to practice in, and he has a big bedroom as well. Your family are ready to forgive your dad, and they have a bedroom ready to welcome him back. Clara has her own room as well, and she loves the library. You'd love it too. I can see you going there, picking up a book and sitting on the window seat to read it, occasionally glancing out of the window to look at the park." I say, "Millie is very proud of you. She's upset that you're dead, but she's so happy that your stories are doing so well. They're going to make a film based on your biography and she's got a part in it. They're looking for someone to play Lucia, they haven't found anyone yet though.
"I don't know if you want to know what happens to me, seeing as I'm idolised as the bad guy in your story, and I don't blame you, but I'll tell you anyway. I guess you could say that I got a happy ending, of some sort. I've been given a huge part in a huge film to launch my acting career. I know that a lot of the other actors think I'm not a good actress, but oh well. I know that I'm a good actress, possibly the best in that group, so it doesn't matter what everyone else thinks."
I roll my eyes at the memory of the other actors trying to give me lessons on how to get better at acting.
"Anyway, this was just so you know. I hope you're happy now. I'm sorry I didn't notice your sadness slowly consume you, I'm sorry I didn't notice you slowly slipping away into a different world."
I turn left and walk away from Nala's grave. I walk past Nala's gravestone, and, directly next to it, sits Lucia's.

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