Chapter 11

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~ a month later~
Bella and Edward were still on their honeymoon or what people thought. Christina was told to never leave the house due to her being pregnant with pups. Thing is her pregnancy wasn't normal. And Christina would give birth in her wolf form. And both babies would be getting the gene due to Jacob and Christina being alphas and Paul, Jacob and Christina having the gene all together. Carlisle said by the time Christina was in her 6 month she would deliver the twins . And now she was 4 months away. Paul and Jacob have been good at helping her. Christina was in her room watching TV. She felt little movements. She looked at her stomach and put her hand there feeling little movements. Soon Paul walked in through the door Jacob was on patrol. "Hey" Paul said. Christina looked at him and smiled. "Hi up ur just in time these two are starting to kick"Christina said. Paul smiled and sat on the bed and put his hands on Christina stomach. Both babies felt their father hand and started kicking like crazy. "Looks like they really like their daddy" Christina said. Paul chuckled. Soon Jacob walked in. "What's going on" Jacob asked. "Babies are kicking" Paul said. Jacob sat on one side of the bed next to Christina and placed his hand on her stomach and the babies went crazy again kicking. "Okay here we go" Christina said a the babies kicked. "Seems as if they live their daddy's touch" Christina said. Both boys smiled. Soon Jacob got a call from his father saying Bella might be home. He was not into Bella anymore. He already has an imprint who forgave him and is taking their relationship slow and pups on the way. He drove to Bella house. He walked inside and found out Bella was pregnant. "Jacob I want this baby and I need your help to convince Sam not to hurt us" Bella said with pleading eyes. "Bella I can't. I already got Christina to forgive me and I have two upcoming pups on the way" Jacob said. "Christina is pregnant" Rosalie said. "Yeah with twins. Ones Paul and ones mine" Jacob said. "Jacob if Sam doesn't mind I would like to come take a look an see how she is doing" Carlisle said. "I don't think Sam minds" Jacob said. Carlisle sped over to Sam's house. He asked Sam to come in and check on Christina. Sam agreed and they went upstairs to see Christina watching TV. Carlisle began to examine Christina with her permission he didn't want to make he feel uncomfortable. Then he was confused. The more he examined and did rest the morning he realized something. "Christina how many months did the doctor say you were" Carlisle asked. "I am a month pregnant" Christina said. "Well because you are apart of the supernatural your pregnancy is about done. That's why your stomach looks q little bigger but because you are a wolf the symptoms didn't start showing until now" Carlisle said." which means in weeks time these pups are going to be here" Sam asked. Carlisle nodded. Christina was scared. Then Carlisle left and Sam and the pack left the house. After a couple hours Sam, Paul, Jared, Embry, and Quill came back. Seth, Leah and Jacob were gone or were helping the Cullen's because Bella was pregnant. Christina was angry but couldn't do anything but knew it wasn't Jacob fault. It was Bella for trying to get him to help and Jacob was only helping Bella for his imprint and for his future pups. Christina just hoped that it wouldn't end badly.

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