Chapter 6

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Christina woke up the next morning and saw Paul laying next to her still asleep she blushed as she remembered the moments that happened the night before. Christina got off from the bed and went to the bathroom and did her business and came back and put Paul's shirt and a new pair of panties on and laid back down next to him. Paul woke up and saw Christina was already awake. "Morning" Paul said. Christina looked at him and smiled. "Morning" Christina said. "Wanna go to the pack house. So I can change beside we only have today to hang out because the battle is tomorrow" Christina asked. Paul nodded. Paul gave Christina a pair of pants and his sweater because she was already wearing one of his shirts. They hot ready and left Paul house to the pack house. Christina had her clothes she wore the night before in a bag. Once they got to the pack house they walked in together hand in hand. Sam looked to see Paul and Christina here. He looked at them both and smirked. Emily and Leah dragged Christina to her room. Paul chuckled and sat at the table before the boys started questioning him but Jacob wasn't here. "So what happened after you two left" Leah asked as they got inside Christina room and closed the door. "Well we umm..." Christina couldn't finish because she was blushing. Emily gasped. "Oh my god you and Paul had sex" Emily said. Christina grabbed a pillow and put in on her face to cover her red face. "Oh my god. Look at you" Leah said laughing. Christina went to take a shower. She finished her shower and went back into her room with a towel. Emily and Leah noticed something on her back. They gasped. "Oh my god" Emily said. "What" Christina said. "You have red marks on your back. Seems as if it was really good" Emily said. Christina blushed again. "Oh my god she's got hickeys too" Leah said. "And he has some too" Christina said. Leah and Emily giggled. Christina got into an outfit and put it on to be comfortable.
Christina outfit

"Can we do your hair" Emily said

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"Can we do your hair" Emily said. "What do you want to do" Christina asked. "Straighten it" Leah said. Christina nodded. Downstairs the boys were talking. "So you and my sister last night huh" Sam said. Paul turned red. The boys laughed. "Well well looks like Pauly here is a little flustered" Jared said laughing. "Did you at least use protection" Sam asked. But before Paul could answer "Use protection for what" Jacob asked coming into the pack house. The boys looked at him. Paul wasn't afraid to say what he and Christina did last night. "Yes Sam me and Christina did use protection when we had sex last night" Paul said. "Oh shit" Embry whispered. "Are you kidding me Paul. You slept with my imprint" Jacob said angrily. "She is also my imprint as well. And at least I show her love and affection. You don't your to busy falling for Bella" Paul said. "I want to at least try and be her imprint" Jacob said. "Oh now you want to try and also I don't think Christina regrets what we did last night considering how much she wanted me to keep going"  Paul said. "Oh fuck" Jared whispered. Sam looked shocked and looked away. The boys began to snicker. This caused Jacob to get angry. "Paul Jacob take it outside" Sam said. Paul and Jacob went outside and shifted into their wolf form and began fighting. "Why do you care about her now" Paul said in the mind link. "Because I just do. I realized that she is my imprint and I love her" Jacob said." no she is just your rebound because Bella doesnt love you" Paul said. As the two were fighting they were hit and went tumbling. They looked to see Christina and Sam in their wolf forms." Enough" Christina said. They went behind the trees and shifted into their human forms. Christina and Sam came out from behind the trees." How could you do this Chris" Jacob said." what" Christina asked." sleep with Paul" Jacob said." because he is my imprint. You may be my imprint but you don't act like one" Christina said."you know what it would have been better if I never did" Jacob said. Christina eyes widenend. It got really quiet. Christina then ran inside the house. Paul was right behind her. Jacob felt guilty. Christina was in her room. Paul came in and sighed. He closed the door and sat on the bed next to Christina. "You okay" Paul asked. Christina nodded. "You just wanna stay in your room and cuddle and watch movies" Paul asked. Christina looked at him and nodded. Paul chuckled and laid next to Christina cuddling her and they turned the TV on in her room and watched movies. Sam came into the room and saw Christina and Paul asleep. He smiled. He sighed and turned the TV off and let them sleep. He knew that he did a good job raising her without their parents.

Sam Uley Little Sister Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora