Chapter 13

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Christina outfit

Bella Cullen was finally awake and she was a vampire

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Bella Cullen was finally awake and she was a vampire. Christina was standing in between Paul and Jacob holding her baby boy while Paul held her baby girl. Soon Bella and Edward walked in the house after hunting and saw the family. Christina smiled at the couple. Bella noticed Christina and noticed a baby in Paul arms and in Christina arms. "You had your babies" Bella said. Christina nodded. "But it seems like someone wants to meet you" Christina said motioning to Rosalie. Bella went to Rosalie and saw her daughter Renesmee for the first time. Christina smiled at them. Bella didn't know that Seth imprinted on her daughter. Christina looked at Edward and nodded for him to tell her. But Seth beat him to it. "Alright that's enough experimenting for today" Seth said. "Seth stop" Christina said. "No Chris" Seth said. Bella looked between the two. "What's your problem Seth" Bella said. "Umm Bella it's a wolf thing." Seth said nervously. Bella realized what he was talking about. Bella handed Renesmee to Esme. "Take Renesmee out of the room." Bella said. Christina handed Sam to Rosalie and Paul handed Aurora to Alice. "Take Aurora and Sam out of the room." Christina said. Alice and Rosalie took the twins out of the room. "It's about to get ugly" Jacob said. Paul and Christina nodded. Bella grabbed Seth by the neck. Christina ran outside. "You imprinted on my daughter" Bella said. "It was the his choice" Christina said. "She's a baby" Bella said. "It's not like that. You think Edward would let him live if it was" Jacob said. "Still debating" Edward said. "I've held her once one time Seth and already you think you have some mironic wolfy claim on her" Bella said. "She's mine" Bella said pushing Seth back. "Your gonna stay away from her" Bella said to Seth. "You know I can't do that" Seth said. Bells pushed him back again. "Bella stop it" Christina yelled. Bella ignored her. "You remember how much you wanted me around 3 days ago. Thats gone now right" Seth said. "Long gone" Bella said. "Because it was her. From the beginning it was Nessie who wanted me there" Seth said." Nessie you nicknamed my daughter after the Lochness Monster" Bella yelled. But before Bella could hit Seth Christina grabbed Bella hand." no if you hurt him your gonna hurt Renesmee. There meant to be together if you take them away from each other there gonna die" Christina said. Bella knew Christina was right. Bella calmed down and nodded. She was not okay with it but she had to deal with it. Seth sighed in relief. Everyone went inside the house. Christina and Paul grabbed the twins and took them to Sams house. Once they got there the babies cribs were in Christina room. Jacob and Paul began to play with the twins. The babies were smiling and cooing at their fathers. Christina smiled. This was the life she wanted but was this life gonna be lasting forever.

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