Chapter 5

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"Sorry" I said as I sat back down. "Bad memories!" I said as I smiled at David.

"So what school are you planning on going to?" Victoria asked me.

I have no idea what type of schools there are, so I just stared at my grandparents.

"We know that school has already started... But we haven't made the decision yet." My grandma explained.

"You should come to Holtsby, with me! It's a great school!" Brooklyn said.

He actually talked to me. He was so cute! Wow. Like he was really cute!

He smiled at me. I looked up and smiled back. He had a smirk on his face, a really cute smirk that is rare.

"I think that is a great idea!" My grandad said to Victoria.

"What grade are you in?" Romeo asked.

"Um... I'm in 10th." I said with a smile.

"Oh my god, how rude of me... I forgot to introduce my own family!" Victoria said... Acting all flustered.

I giggled. I knew who her family was... I mean who didn't?

"This is my husband... David. And my three sons... Brooklyn... Who is 15... Romeo... Who is 12, and Cruz who is 9. Then our daughter, Harper!" She said will a smile.

I just smiled back. "I'm Ariana... But I have a younger sister named Aubry." I felt awkward... Not being able to say anything about my parents. I probably could have... But I preferred not to.

"Well, the boys have football practice, but we can't thank you enough for dinner!" David said.

"So nice to meet you, Ariana!" Victoria said as she hugged me.

"You too!" I said with a grin on my face.

"Bye!" My grandparents said smiling and waving.

My grandparents closed the door and I ran up the stairs to get to my room.

"Elevator!" My grandad yelled.

"No time!" I yelled as I bolted up the stairs.

Third floor... Finally! I ran into my room and stepped on balcony. There I saw Brooklyn about to get in the car.

He waved again. This time I didn't run... I smiled and waved at him.

"Does somebody have a crush?" My grandma asked me.

"Sneaky!" I turned and said... "And no, I'm being nice!"

He Actually Cares... (A Brooklyn Beckham Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now