Chapter 11

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I dashed through the front door and ran up the stairs.

"Ariana?" My grandad questioned.

"Sorry, have to use the bathroom!" I sniffled.

I ran into my room and cried. I decided that maybe my tears would stop if I didn't think about it... Or him. So I put on some pajamas. A red comfy top, and some blue winter shorts. (Picture in media slot)

I turned on my tv and started to watch Pretty Little Liars. Then I heard a knock on the front door. I got out of the bed, and looked out the window. There I see walking up the driveway... The Beckham boys, the three of them.

Ugh why? I never ever want to see any of those boys again. Harsh, I know! But why? Why does everyone think me and him are a... Couple? So we held hands, he was trying to be nice!

"Ariana, Brooklyn is coming up!" My grandma yelled.

Darn it. And with that my door opened.

"What do you want?" I asked not looking at him.

"To talk." He said.

"I can't talk to you anymore, okay? So just leave me alone!" I snap.

"Ari..." He says as he tries to grab my hand. I just pull it away.

"Just tell me what I did wrong!" He said.

"Be with Zoe. Okay? It would be the best thing. And don't talk to me anymore okay? And we can't sit together anymore!" I explain, holding back the tears.

"But I don't want to be with Zoe!" He says confused on why I'm acting like this.

"Well you should, because Zoe is right!" I say, about to cry.

"About what?..." He asks.

"My parents didn't want me. That's why they flipped our car. They wanted me dead. I should have just died with them!" I say standing in front of my huge window, crying my eyes out.

"No don't say that!" Brooklyn says, all serious.

He tried to hug me, but I wouldn't let him.

"Who are you kidding? you don't care!" I snapped.

"I do... I actually do! And let me prove it!" He says.

He hands me a ticket to the carnival in London.

"Come with me tonight... Ill prove I care!" He says smiling.

I smile. But then i remember what Zoe said.

"I can't..." I say looking at my cold little feet.

"Why not?" He asks, he seems so sad.

"Zoe." I say, about to cry again.

"There's nothing Zoe can do to you! Nobody likes her!" Brooklyn says as he hugs me.

"Oh and by the way, I brought you chocolate ice cream... Your favorite!" He hands me the ice cream.

I open my mouth to say thank you but he stops me.

"Thank me by coming to the carnival with me tonight!" He says smiling.

He walks out of my door.

"Brooklyn." I say to him.

He turns and looks at me. "Pick me up at 6." I smile and so does he.

Wow does this mean I... Ariana Cooper, is going on a date with the... Brooklyn Beckham?

I look at the clock and it says 4:25. I get back in bed with my chocolate ice cream to finish my episode of PLL before I start to get ready.

He Actually Cares... (A Brooklyn Beckham Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें