26.) the dance pt. 2

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(song above plays at the dance, I will include a playlist at the end of the songs I imagined played)

Narrators POV-

"ok, got it"

"try it on! try it on!" Marlene, Alice and Lily cheered, they were all in their dresses and were just waiting for Tatum to put hers on

"ok" Tatum laughed, she headed into the bathroom and put on her dress, similar to Marlene's, it was a V neck and long, but Light blue, and the top had a wrapped look to it, it also didn't have pockets.

Tatum opened the door and all her friends gasped

"you look like a princess!" Alice complimented

"thanks" Tatum smiled

"give us a twirl!" Marlene cheered

Doing as Marlene told her, Tatum spun around, the bottom of her dress flew around her

"oh! I cant wait for the dance!" Marlene cheered, Alice also visibly excited, Lily was to, but she kept it down, Tatum was to, but not as much as Marlene and Alice


"I ma so excited for tonight!" Marlene cheered

At the moment, Alice, Lily, Marlene, and Tatum were getting ready in the girls dorm, they all had the dresses, shoes, and makeup done, now they were doing their hair

Marlene's date was a Hufflepuff boy she met at the beginning of the year, Alice was going with Frank, Lily and James, and Tatum with Andreas

For makeup, Marlene went all out, Alice and Lily wore Mascara and some lip gloss, Tatum just had Mascara, if it was up to her, she would have gone all natural, but Marlene insisted she wore at least just a little bit of makeup, not because she thought Tatum needed it, that is far from the truth, Marlene just ran out of people to put makeup on, her being the most girly in the group

"Done!" Lily said when she finished Alice's hair, which was just a simple half up, half down style, but Lily curled it a little

"ok, Tatum, what do you want?" Lily asked

"can we just straighten my hair and leave it down?"

"sure" Lily shrugged

Doing Tatum's hair was the last thing the girls did before they were all ready for the dance, They all headed down the stairs, Marlene first, the Alice, Lily, and the Tatum

"looking good McKinnon" some guy called out from the common room bunch

She just rolled her eyes and turned to her friends

"I am going to meet Jack, see you girls down there"

The other 3 girls nodded and then the Marauder showed up

James almost fell over at the sight of Lily, he tried to compliment her, but he just stared at he, his gaze making Lily a little bit un-conferrable but still blushed, Remus and Peter left the common room to go meet their dates, peter with the Hufflepuff and Remus surprisingly with a Slytherin, but seeing as he wasn't about the house rivalry's he was perfectly fine with it, I mean he did ask her to the dance

When Sirius's gaze landed on Tatum, he knew that he fell threw the ice, seeing Tatum tonight just made him fall in love.

Tatum looked around the room, once her gaze met Sirius's she blushed but sent a soft smile his way, Sirius didn't return the gesture but just looked at Tatum

"I have to meet Frank in front of the great hall" Alice said

"I have to meet Andreas, we shall go together" Tatum smiled

The New Girl From France -S.BTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon