2.) the mouse

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Narrators POV (above is what Tatum can turn into)

Next day-

    As Tatum made her way, as a mouse, towards one of the schools's exists, this one, fortunately was above the kitchens. Completely un-aware of the big, shaggy, black dog that followed her.

Once she got outside, much to Sirius's surprise, the tiny, blond mouse turned into what looked like a white owl.

'What in merlins beard' thought Sirius 'since when can mice do that?'

Seeming as Sirius couldn't follow the mouse/owl any more, he headed back to the common room, making a pit stop in the kitchens. Once he made it back to the boy's dormitories, looking out of the window, he saw the owl fly towards the forbidden forest, quickly turning around and flew off were Sirius couldn't see.
(Next day at breakfast)

"I swear James, that mouse, went from the common room, and outside, it turned into an owl!" Sirius tried to explain to James

"I would say maybe it's a Animagus, but they don't do that"James retaliated "we should know" he added quietly

"Could be a metamorphmags" Remus suggested

"Ooo, but who? Is there anyone in the school a metamorphmags?" James asked, but as he said that, Tatum almost fainted ,as she never told anyone about her ability.

Thoughts swirled in her mind.

"Tater tot, you good over there?" Sirius questioned

"Didn't sleep good, ya know, all this new stuff" she lied

"What do you have first period lil" James asked switching to conversation, which Tatum was very glad for.


"Just wondering" he smirked

"I have transfiguration with Hufflepuff" Lily gave in

"Dang it, I have charms with Slytherin,guess you can't have me there lily- flower "groaned James

"What about you tater tot" sirius used the nickname again, earning a look from Lily

"Well McGonagall said I have the same scheduled as lily, so I have transfiguration as well" Tatum said, earning a huge smile from Lily.

"Oh, why don't you look at that so do I" chuckled Sirius

    As the group compared their time tables, Tatum knew she had the schedule as Lily, but during Breakfast, Tatum couldn't help but feel like someone was watching her, looking around, she saw Sirius but once there eyes met, he quickly poked away.


    2 weeks have past since Tatum started to attend hogwarts,she had made good friends with Lily, James, Sirius, Remus, even Peter, she had also become friends with Lily's roommates, Alice and Marlene.

Walking to her last class of the day with Lily, Tatum got a tap on the shoulder, turning around, she saw a good looking Ravenclaw boy.

"Hey, I'm Calvin Jones, I'm in your history of magic and Potions class"

"Tatum Miller"

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