11.) Hospital wing...... again

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Sirius's POV- (This is the same day, just different POV)

Today was that day, we had our first quidditch match of the season! This time against Ravenclaw

I personally think their fair game, unlike the Slytherins, but it shouldn't be to hard

Getting ready, I noticed that I couldn't find my jersey anywhere, I haves checked under my bed, under James's, and in Remus's hamper.

"James you can go, I just need to find my jersey"

"Did you check in Moony's hamper?" He asked, heading over to the door

"Yeah, its not there"

"Did you check under your bed?"

"Yeah, not there either"

"What about my bed?"



"Actually, I have not"

"Come down when you find it" James grinned at me, leaving our room

I haven't checked my trunk, the floor, or in the dresser

While checking the dresser, i heard footsteps going down into the common room, must have been Tatum, as she has the last dorm in the hall, and mine is the second to last

After checking the dresser and on the floor, it has been about 10 minutes

Heading over to my trunk, that's at the end of my bed, I heard a knock on the door

"Hey, Sirius" someone asked

"Come in!" I yelled, as the door was unlock

Opening the door, I noticed Tatum poke her head in, before she completely walked in

"h-hey- um... James wanted me, to uh, tell you that the res of the team is ready, and I quote 'to hurry your ass up' " she laughed

I noticed her eyes staring at my chest, seeing as I haven't found my jersey, causing me to blush and smirk, more to myself, as it seems hot she likes what she sees

I went back to digging in my trunk in hopes of m=finding my jersey

"Oh, thank- ha! Found it" I cheered, holding up my quidditch jersey, pulling it on, now pulling on my shoes

"Ready?" Tatum asked, face still a little red

"Yeah, lets go" I stood up from my bed, after tying my shoe laces, I headed over to the door to open it up for her "ladies first" I chuckled

She said a quick 'thanks' and headed out the door and down the many stairs that await us

I walked out of my dorm, closed the door and caught up with Tatum

"You excited?" I asked

"Nervous, but excited"

"Ya know, being a beater has its advantages" I said

"How so?"

"Well, seeing as Calvin is a chaser, you can hit the bludger his way"

"Not gonna lie, but I also thought of doing that" Tatum chuckled

"Really" I can't believe Tatum would ever think of doing that to be honest, she seems so innocent

"Yeah" she laughed, I saw her look at me from the corner of my eye"but I obviously wont hit all of them to him, I have to hit them to the other players" there it is

The New Girl From France -S.BOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora