14.) The Black dog

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Tatums POV-

"Write a 2 foot essay of the use of Felix Felices, due the next time we meet, work with your partners! class dismissed" said Slughorn (a/n I you have read this before, i had written Snape, but that makes now sense, oops)

I  packed up my supplies, and headed out of the freezing classroom, and out of the dungeons

"Ready for practice!" Yelled James in the corridors out side of the dungeons

"Yes, Sir" chimed Sirius, running up next to me

"Oh sorry"

"What for?" He questioned

"I didn't wait for you"

"Don't worry about" Sirius just brushed off his shoulder "as James said, you ready for practice?"

"Yeah, I just need to go get my padding, I think I left it in my trunk, other than that, I'm all good"

"Want me to come with you?"


"When do you want to work on essay?" Sirius asked

"We can work on it this weekend, maybe Saturday"

"Yeah, that'll work" he smiled, looking down at me

We talked for the rest of the way till we got to the common room, and I had to go up to my dorm

Sure Sirius could have come in my dorm, but I tried to turn into a tiger the other night, and lets say, if he went in there, Sirius would think some kind of tornado cam through and ripped up all my stuff

"Well, I can't find those" I sighed going back down the stairs

"Want me to go look?" Sirius asked, coming over to the stairs

"No, I'll borrow a pair of the school paddings, thanks though"

"Ok, you have your bat?"

"Yeah, well no, I know I left it at the field yesterday, after practice, it should be with my broom"

Again, we keep talking till we made it to the pitch

"COME ON SLOW POKES" yelled James, from on the pitch, broom in hand

"Yes, Sir!" Yelled Sirius and I

"Bet I can bet you to James again" He laughed, after the last time we raced, he won

"Your on"

I started to run towards James, Sirius still behind me

"Ha! I win, what does that make? Oh yeah 4-2, I'm winning!" I laughed

Sirius and I had a game going,  that by the end of the quidditch season, whoever had the least points, had to ask out their crush, mine still being Sirius, would be interesting, if I lost.

I walked over to the broom shed, got my broom, my bat, and threw Sirius his broom, as we were the only ones without our brooms

"James, where's the extra padding?" I asked, walking over to James

"Umm, they should be in there" he pointed to where the quidditch supplies would be

"Thanks" I walked over to the shed, opened the doors, and went inside to find beater pads

After a couple minutes I finally found a pair, put them on and walked back out, bumping into someone

"Oh sorry" I apologized, but looking, I saw Sirius, smiling

"Its fine, but seeing as you couldn't find your other ones, i figured I would help look"

"Ha ha, but I did find a pair-"

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