22.) there can only be one winner

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Tatums POV-

"So when are you going to ask her?" I said eagerly as Peter and i sat on my bed

"I was thinking today actually"

"Oh! That's great! What were you thinking?"

"I was just gonna give her her favorite flowers and maybe some chocolate"

"Aww, that is so cute! Ya know, If someone was going to ask me, that's how I would want it, just plain and simple and without the chocolate, i hate it, anyway, where were you thinking on asking her?" I said, Peters face seemed to lite up, I wonder why?"

"I just know, I don't want to ask in the corridors though"

"How about in the clock tower courtyard, its quite lovely there"

"But how do I get her there?"

"Oh! How about I start talking to her and lead her to the courtyard, then you could sweep her off her feet!"

"Yeah! That sounds good!


After finishing up my talk with Peter, he set off to hogsmeade to get roses, meanwhile I was in the common room

"James just told me the game is on the 14" Sirius said and walked over to the couch diagonal from me

"He was set on it being on the 13" i laughed and looked at Sirius, who was already looking at me

"Have a date to the dance?"

"Well, I have been asked by 6 guys in the past 4 days" Sirius face looked a little bummed "but" this seemed to cheer him up "I have said no to all"

"Why?" He asked eagerly and a little excitedly

"I don't like any of the guys, but what about you? Being the 'womanizer; of the school and all" he chuckled at my last words, and nervously scratched the back of his neck, i wonder why he was nervous?

"Well, about 10 girls have already asked me, but as you, i didn't like-"

"Ah" I gasped " the Sirius Black does not like a girl I am shocked" i put my hand over my heart as to act surprised, but I was relived that he has not found a date yet

"Ha ha, but I plan on asking someone, so they didn't tickle my fancy"

"Ooo, is it that girl you wont tell me the name of?" i tried to act interested in this girl, but my feelings were a little hurt seeing as the feeling as not reciprocate

"Maybe" he smirked

"Why won't you tell me, i promise not to tell anyone" I pleaded

"I know you wont but, I still cant tell you" he got up and winked at me, causing many butterflies to erupt in my stomach

"Where are you going?"

"I am going to hogsmeade for some last minute supplies, why? Miss me already?"

"Piss off Black, and go get you supplies" I laughed and turned to the fire, I could still feel his gaze on me, looking up sure enough, he was stairing at me

"What?" i blushed

"Nothing" he smirked


Just as Sirius as about to leave James, Lily, and Remus came into it

"Hey" Sirius said quickly, but as quick as he said, he was gone in a matter of seconds

"What's up with him?" Lily asked coming over to me and sitting next to me

"He had to go to Hogsmeade to get some supplies"

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