4.) Sirius

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Narrators POV-

When Tatum saw Calvin, her heart dropped, as far as it could go.

Calvin was snogging another girl.

On the day he was supposed to go with Tatum to hogsmeade.

Calvin looked up and saw Tatum, and immediately shame crossed his face, but the girl pulled him back.

To which he didn't pull out of.

"Hey Tay-" Started Lily, but Tatum was already running back to the common room.

'B-balderdash" sobbed Tatum

"What's wrong sweet-" the Fat Lady tried to reassure the girl but Tatum was not in the mood

"Please, j-just let me in" Tatum just burst into another sob, she wasn't into Calvin that much, but it still hurt, as Tatum was hopeful, and hoped they would have a chance, but not anymore.

The Fat Lady let a crying Tatum into the common room, only to get the attention of James, Peter, and Sirius.

"Love, what-" Sirius said, from the couch.

Tatum just ran right past them, and up the boy's stairs up to her dormitory.

Right a Tatum closed the door Lily made it into the common room.

"What happened to Tatum?"James questioned, being genuinely concerned

"Ok so she's went here" Lily muttered, more to herself "you know her date with Calvin, we just saw him snogging another girl, by the great hall"

"That slimy git!" Sirius exclaimed

"Were did she go?" Lily asked

"Her dorm" peter squeaked

"I'll go talk to her"

"I'll come" Sirius said, standing up from the couch

"It's ok, I'll go by myself" then lily rushed over to the stairs, making her way up and softly knocking on her friends door.

But no response

"Hey, Tay you in here" lily said softly. Still no response

"Tay?" Now lily was genuinely confused, but still concern about Tatum.

Just then, Lily swore she saw the Blanket on the girls bed go up and down, as if something under it was breathing

Closing the door, lily approached the bed slowly.

"Tay? You ok?" Lilys tone full of concern and sadness

A sob escaped from under the covers.

lily carefully pulled the covers back, only to revile a big furry ball.

"Umm, Tay?" lily hoped it was just a blanket, covering her friend.

Pulling the covers back more, a white wolf.

"AHH!" Yelled lily, not expecting a full on wolf under the covers.

Running back to the door, lily was about to leave when she heard a voice call for her.

"Lils?" A tear stained face Tatum said from right were the wolf was

"Tay? What? I'm confused, i c-came to talk to you.... then t-there was a wolf, right here!" Lily said pointing to were Tatum was siting.


"We'l talk about that later" Lily approached the bed "are you ok?"

"I will be, but i want to be alone right now"

The New Girl From France -S.BDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora