Then she and Tifa drove off, the engines loud in the stillness as the two motorcycles sped up the narrow trail toward town, Tifa in front as Marissa followed behind. After sharing a determined nod with Barret, he and I started up the path ourselves, hurrying along at a brisk trot. It would probably take us about half an hour to get to Wall Market, and I planned to take the collapsed expressway to get there. Whatever thugs and monsters we encountered inside wouldn't be anything we couldn't handle, so that was our best bet.

Barret and I were heading through town a few minutes later along the main road when I suddenly heard a familiar voice calling to me. As I looked to my left, I saw a sandy-haired boy standing in front of an old wooden fence with some kind of lot behind it.

"Oates?" I blinked.

He nodded. "Yeah. Thought that was you, Cloud. Glad you're okay, what with the plate coming down."

I went over to him. "It was pretty close."

"I'll bet!" he agreed. "So where's Aerith? I thought she'd still be with you. She's okay, isn't she?"

Aerith had introduced me to Oates yesterday afternoon on the way to her house. He looked to be about eleven or twelve, with a wary glint in his eye. He didn't trust most adults, from what Aerith had told me. I wasn't surprised she was an exception to that, though. She did seem to have a way with people.

I sighed. "Long story. Shinra's got her, but we're getting her back. In fact, we're on our way now."

"I knew those suits were trouble," Oates muttered.

"You mean the Turks?" I asked.

He shrugged. "That's what they're called? Well, yeah. I'd always see them in town now and then. They really stand out, you know. If you're as strong as she says, though, you'll save her."

"Count on it," I told him.

"Hey, Oates!" a girl came running up. "There you are!"

He looked at her. "What's up, Maddy?"

I stared, recognizing the name. The girl was about the same age as Oates, with black hair tied in a ponytail and a pair of glasses resting on her face. Maddy was the girl Jessie had saved two years ago from a hell house, the one that had almost killed her, and I realized she was part of the reason why Jessie still had a slim chance to survive. I wouldn't have found out that Aerith could heal someone who was so close to death if Maddy's rescue had never happened.

"Ms. Folia's looking for you," she told Oates. "She wants you to help set up the benches outside the Leaf House for our reading and art stuff. Don't worry, I'll give you a hand."

I walked over to her. "You're Jessie's friend, right?"

She blinked. "We both are, me and Oates. She used to live here and played with us when she wasn't fixing stuff."

"Jessie was the best at Whack-A-Box!" Oates added.

"Is Jessie your friend, too?" Maddy asked me.

I nodded. "Yeah. She's at Aerith's house now. And she's hurt."

"Oh, no!" she gasped. "Will she be okay?"

My gaze never wavered. "I'll see to it. But in the meantime, Elmyra might need help looking after her—fetching supplies, gathering herbs, things like that. Think you can handle it?"

Maddy put her hands on her hips. "Of course! Jessie saved my life a couple years ago. I'd be glad to help!"

"There's nothing in this town we can't find," Oates added.

Final Fantasy VII: Lifestream - Book 2: AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now