The New Neighbors

Start from the beginning

"Why did you get up so early?" I led him downstairs and pointed at the truck through the window.

"New neighbors, their house is being renovated. I don't know why they chose to do it so early, but the noise woke me up."

"Oh, well you can sleep later when they're done." Whitty followed me to the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'll try. For now, let's get breakfast started." We made it a routine to make breakfast and dinner together.

We finished breakfast, making omelettes and toasts. Heading to the living room, I saw Fuse at the top of the stairs.

"Come on girl. You're big enough to climb the stairs yourself. Come to mama." I knelt down at the foot of the stairs with my arms open.

Fuse was hesitant at first, but she slowly climbed down the stairs, one step at a time until she made it all the way down.

"Good girl! I'll give you some treats today for the accomplishment." Kissing her on the head, I filled her bowl and set her down to eat.

Taking a seat next to Whitty, I switched on the television and turned up the volume.

The television was loud, but the noise was louder. It was getting on my nerves.

Hours passed before the noise finally stopped, it went up until noon.

"Finally! They're done with the renovation. I might go greet our neighbors, but I'll go take a nap first." Stretching from my spot, I laid my head on Whitty's chest.

Knock! Knock!

"You've got to be kidding me..."

"I'll get it." Just as I got comfortable, I had to get up and see who was at the door.

"Hello?" I saw no one.

Closing the door, I took back my spot and laid back on Whitty.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Once again, I got up to answer the door to see no one in sight.

"I'm gonna catch the culprit this time." I stood by the door, waiting for the moment I heard a knock.

"Gotcha!" I swung the door open to see two kids, a boy and a girl.

"Twins?" They giggled before running back next door.

They didn't even say anything, they just laughed and ran off.

Before I could even sit back down, the knocking started again.

"What do you two kids need?" I tried to be polite despite my patience being tested.

I was greeted with a face full of water.

The kids laughed at me with water guns in hand before running off.


"Yes Claire?" I slammed the door shut.

"Can you get me a towel please?"

Living with a Rockstar (Whitty x OC) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now