Chapter Seven (Thor)

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"Sarah-" Loki went to speak. But I interrupted. "No. It was wrong. Wrong of me to accuse of something you didn't do. " I pleaded. I looked down. "I shouldn't have done that to you. Not when I knew that you were feeling overwhelmed I-" I pressed my lips together. I had to be as convincing as possible. "I'm so sorry. I'm an awful sister for doing that to you."

"My dear, it is all right." Loki replied. "I know that you never meant any harm."

Tears welled in the back of my eyes. I looked back up at him. "It's not all right, Loki. I put you in that position knowing that you've already got all of this weight on your shoulders with being King of Asgard. You've been trying to do everything in your power to protect us. To protect me. And I was wrong to get in the way of that." His eyes met mine. An expression I could not read is all over his expression. But I know, it wasn't a bad one. "You are not in the way, sister." He sighed. "I can clearly see that you're trying to adjust to this aswell."

"I know now, that you were right. Thor could never be the King that Asgard needs. But you can." I told him. "Please. Please forgive me for being so foolish and childish. I should have realized sooner..."

"There are many things that I'm not capable of." Loki sighs, but steps closer to me. "But what I capable of is forgiving you." Loki raised his hand, placing on my cheek. "I forgive you, my dear. I see that all of this has taken its toll on you, and I will not hold that against you." A tear rolled down my cheek. Was this really working?

"You forgive me?" I stared.

"Of course, I do." Loki spoke. His tone was now gentle again. "I will always have room in my heart to forgive you." Loki pulled me into his arms, holding me close. My arms slithered around him as well. "I know that all of this has filled with you with fear and worry." It had. "But I do not wish for you to be frightened. Because I swear to you sister, I will make things better for the both of us. As long as I am King, I will always have the power to keep you safe and to ensure Asgard perseveres." He spoke softly. I couldn't believe it. Loki didn't for a second doubt that what I was said wasn't true. "But of course, I don't have to be alone in all of this..."

"What do you mean?" I asked. I imagined that he wanted to be the only one to rule Asgard.

Loki slowly pulled me away from him. "You could stand by my side, and rule with me." My eyes grew wide at my brothers words. What? He wanted me to rule with him? Why? "Wait. What?" I quizzed. What this for real?

Loki nods. "The people of Asgard adore you, sister. I think they would be thrilled to see you on the throne. Besides, you seem to forget you too are heir to the throne." Loki then smiled. "Of course, I would prefer not to rule alone, for I know how hard a task it is to do so. But if you were to stand by my side...I would be able to handle it."

I couldn't believe what was happening. No, that wasn't right. I was just utterly shocked. "Y-You mean it? You're not...joking?" I managed to choke out.

"Of course not, my dear. You are very wise, and resilient. The people would love to see you on the throne. That is...if you want to." Loki told him. Truthfully, all my life I had never really thought about my future. About being Ruler of Asgard. I swallowed. He wanted me by his side. And I was so sure it was because he trusted me more than anyone. "Loki-" I pressed my lips together. "Ruling  Asgard, it's a very big responsibility. Certainly not a responsibility that a teenager should handle." It was true. I was still so young, and that was a lot of pressure to put on me.

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