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A//N : TW for character death, nothing graphic. Just mentions and implications.

"Asami? Are you in here?" Korra shouted once more before hearing a small gasp.

It was a relief, but also the scariest moment of her life. Asami was gasping for air, completely unseen, and not saying a word. The avatar wasn't sure if she was injured or where she even was to begin with. A large sheet of metal shuffled around and she quickly bent it away to reveal Asami laying on the ground gasping for breath.

"Asami! Are you okay?" Korra shouted, pulling her up and into her arms.

She nodded and smiled, melting into Korra's touches straight away, for only a moment until Bolin lifted the rubble up, allowing them a way to escape. Korra guided the CEO out of the wreckage and to a safer place.

"I'm okay Korra. Everythings fine. I just got the wind knocked out of me." she explained, still taking heavy labored breaths while Korra tended to her.

"Your bleeding." she sighed, pointing to a cut with a small stream of blood running down the side of her face.

"It's fine." Asami responded, wiping the liquid onto her dark sleeve; in any other circumstances she would have scolded herself for doing such a thing but right now it was the least of her worries.

Before the Avatar could debate, Tenzin landed near them with a look of discontent on his face. "Kuvira's heading our way with a platoon of mecha giants."

"What should we do?" Asami asked.

"This is my hometown and I hate to say it, but there's no use risking all our lives to fight that giant thing. Let her take the city for now. We'll think of some way to come back and beat her." Bolin suggested.

"What about all the people who haven't been evacuated yet? If Kuvira finds out Wu is with them she might fire that spirit canon at him and take them all out." Mako pointed out.

It was true, it wasn't just them at stake. It didn't matter if they surrendered or not; if they lost, thousands would die. They had to fight, even if all odds were stacked against them. It was one thing to surrender themselves but to put innocent citizens in that position was nonnegotiable.

"I couldn't stop Kuvira from taking Zaofu. I'm not letting her conquer Republic City." She announced with a newfound sense of determination. "The world isn't safe as long as she has that weapon."

"I agree." Chief Beifong said. "We take down that giant today."

Korra was relieved that the officer had come to help. They were going to need more help. "Lin!" she shouted.

"Glad to see you all made it out. You had me worried." she admitted.

"Well you Benders are gonna have to fight her alone. She just blew up our factory with all of our hummingbird suits" Varrick explained.

In part that wasn't true. "Not all of them!" Asami announced. "There are the prototypes back at my office. If we can get those ready to fly we'll at least be able to offer a little air support."

"Su, you take Baatar Jr. and the rest of the wounded back to Asami's office. Get those suits working as soon as you can. The rest of us will just have to face Kuvira on our own."

"Okay everyone split up!" Lin shouted.

Korra, Mako, Bolin, Lin, and the ran down the empty streets of the city; heading towards Kuvira's army. Meelo excitedly spotted a goods store and peered through the window promptly braking the door down.

"What are you doing Meelo?" Lin yelled in frustration.

"I just got an idea of how to defeat the giant!" he yelled.

when you get back homeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang