plans for the future

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"What are you planning?!" Korra mumbled, attempting to peak at the pile of papers Asami held in her hands.

Eventually moving to kiss her as they waited in the empty lot for the rest of their friends. Before they had to act like nothing was going on between them. She hated that they still had to do that.

Zhu Li called a meeting and Asami accidentally let it slip that morning that she knew what it was about. Korra found it vastly unfair that she wouldn't share further.

"If I could tell you I would. It's buisness darling, I promise you'll know very soon."

The Avatar settled in her seat, sinking into her chair and tapping her foot on the ground. Asami smiled at her slight impatience. Wrapping her arm around her girlfriend's shoulders for the time being.

Wu was the first one to walk in. Closely followed by Mako and Bolin, then Tenzin, Jinora, and Kya. Even the esteemed chief of police was there. Asami took her arm away and focused her attention on the magazine sitting on her lap. Korra straightened herself, standing up and walking over to talk to Tenzin.

"Hey Asami! How ya doing?" Bolin asked in that voice that reeked of absolute genuine concern.

"I'm doing great, Bo." Asami replied.

She meant it this time. After slipping out of the tight hug that was threatening to suffocate her, she walked with the rest of them to the office. Everyone filed in one by one. Sitting, or standing wherever there was room.

"I'm sure everyone's wondering why you were called here on such short notice." Zhu Li announced. Quickly gaining the room's attention.

"I'm very excited to inform you I will be running for president this election year."

"You're what?!" The group shouted as a whole.

Bolin, Mako, Korra, and Lin. Among others all gawked at the former assistant who had just revealed her long awaited plans in a private meeting. Other than Asami and Tenzin who had known prior.

"Listen, I know taking on the role of president would be a very big task. It's also a necessary one."

"She's right." Mako said. "We wouldn't have to deal with Raiko anymore."

"And Zhu Li's already gathered a mass of support over the past couple of days, unlike Raiko." Tenzin added.

Asami explained that Future Industries was fully prepared to sponser and Fund the former assistant during the election process. And that they would be announcing her running as canidate later that night. After Raiko's official confirmation of his rerunning. For the first time in four years Korra was hopeful that they would have someone good leading the city. She couldn't think of anyone better than Zhu Li. That much was for sure.

"With Asami and Tenzin's support, and the support of the rest of you, we'll be able to get Raiko out of office."

"And get some real leadership for once?" Korra asked.

Zhu Li nodded. Heading straight to buisness and explaining how the process would work; A fair election, voting campaigns. Bolin offered to sponser her, his fans from his previous mover career would definitely be a big support system. And the Avatar as a second sponser only helped her plans.

"With the allocated money, and support from everyone here, we have a chance at changing the city for the better."

"Thank you Zhu Li, so much." Korra gushed.

It was relieving to actually be able to look forward working with the president for once. The possibilities of what she could do moving forward filled her with excitement. Fighting with Raiko would finally be a thing of the past.

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