Start from the beginning

"Yeah I will complete the paper work" I said.

"Nurse please accompany her and show her the way" Doctor said.

"Okay Sir" Nurse said and I went with her. For completing the formalities. After I was done with all the formalities I came sat in the waiting area. I didn't know what to do. I was so scared the treatment was going on, both my parents are fighting for there life. And I was just sitting there completly helpless. It was almost mid-night and I was scared and I was just praying to god for my parents to be okay. I called my Chachu.

"Hello Chachu" I said.

"Hello Shehnaaz how is the postion?" He asked.

"It's bad. Doctor said that most likely they won't make it" I said crying.

"It's okay Shehnaaz, be strong they will make it, I am already in the airport I will be there by tomorrow night, just stay strong I can't talk to you once I board the flight I will call you once I land in Dubai" He said.

"Okay Chahcu" I said and sat there waiting and praying.





In college Sidharth was still sitting on the bench, waiting for Shehnaaz to come or hoping for a call. It was mid-night and feast was almost done. He was waiting there, loose hoping by every second that she will come back. Kushal and Shefali came there.

"Sid" Kushal called him out. Sidharth looked at them.

"I guess she is not coming" Sidharth said.

"Maybe she just needs some time she will come back soon, maybe not tonight but she will come around soon. But now you really need to go home. She will call you Sidharth" Kushal said.

"Maybe you are right. She might just need some time to figure out stuff. I will wait till she will come and talk to me" Sidharth said and got up.

"I guess I will just head back home" Sidharth said. And left from there.

"Now where the hell is Shehnaaz" Kushal said looking at Shefali.

"I don't know she isn't picking up my call. I tried" Shefali said.

"I hope she is okay" Kushal said.

"Yeah me too I am worried about her" Shefali said.

"Don't worry she will be okay, it was a lot take for one night. She might need some alone time we will talk to her tomorrow morning" Kushal said.

"Come I will drop you home" Kushal said.

"Okay" Shefali said and they left.





After few hours, doctor called me. I went in his cabin. 

"Is everything okay doctor?" I said.

"No, I am not sure they can hold anymore, they are unstable, your mom is currently on ventilator, she can't stay alive without ventilator, and your dad is also in a very bad condition, there have some major body injuries, he lost lot of blood. It's just better to say that they both are fighting for there lifes. We can't really promise anything Ms.Shehnaaz" He said.

"Maybe I can call one of my father's friend he is really good doctor, he works with my dad. Maybe as a second option he could really help us" I said.

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