⚘Horror/Paranormal & Humour Reviews⚘

70 6 5


Judge: Brownieislove

Someone is here by Jenisundar

Cover- 7/10

Title- 9/10

Blurb- 7/10

Flow- 7/10

Scared/intrigued me- 5/10

Character development- 6/10

Writing style and grammar- 2.5/5

Hook/increased my curiosity- 8/10

Followed me- 0/10

Overall impression- 12/15

TOTAL- 63.5/100

Review- the cover and title are nice but can be better, cover is very simple and doesn't depict the storyline much. Title could have been something related to the story. You can elaborate the description giving a feel of an horror suspense events occurring within the book. Honestly it was very predictable maybe because you chose frictional characters from TV so I knew they wouldn't be harmed thou at some point I was curious and the twist of Abhi being possessed was a good click. Few grammar and spelling typos here and there, can be fixed easily. All in all good story.
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Samay ka chakravyuh by Psr1403

Cover- 9/10

Title- 10/10

Blurb- 8/10

Flow- 9.5/10

Scared/intrigued me- 9/10

Character development- 9.5/10

Writing style and grammar- 4.5/5

Hook/increased my curiosity- 9/10

Followed me- 10/10

Overall impression- 13.5/15

TOTAL- 92/100

Review- title is on point depict the storyline perfectly, cover is good but can be more intriguing and something related to past life can be added. Blurb can be improved, giving a insight of the plot rather than characters only. Flow and character development is really nice, few grammar and spelling typos are there but can be corrected after a re-read. I was not completely hooked with the story in the first two chapters but later on it was really interesting and attractive.
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The abandoned house by Dhanu_shyamindi

Cover- 8/10

Title- 8/10

Blurb- 10/10

Flow- 8.5/10

Scared/intrigued me- 8.5/10

Character development- 9/10

Writing style and grammar- 3/5

Hook/increased my curiosity- 9/10

Followed me- 10/10

Overall impression- 13/15

TOTAL- 87/100

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