She is beautiful, she stands out among all the females here. My wolf stated, panting like he was in heat.

I know now shut up and let me finish up what brought us here. I couldn't do it with him making such comments about her.

But she clearly feels something for us. He stubbornly continued disturbing me.

Yeah but she doesn't even know that she's our mate, is she? That was meant to shut him up and it successfully did.

The whole pack had directed their eyes on me quietly, probably not knowing about the argument I was having with my beast.

'Good morning, I understand that most of you know why I called all of you here. ' I paused, listening to their assuring and ardent yeses.

'I just want to clear things up about the two papers that have been discovered in the pack grounds. Firstly, we do not know who has been leaving them in those places but we are obviously looking into that. Secondly, you are required to be observant of any odd behaviour of any pack member and lastly be careful and let us do our work. '

I stopped for a while waiting to see whether any question would surface.

'Are we in danger Alpha ? ' Uncle Pete asked and I swear I could detect a hint of distaste in the title Alpha.

'Even if we are, we are the Steel Moon Pack.' I answered his question in a calm voice. I knew he wanted to rile me up and I couldn't give him the satisfaction.

'Dismissed. ' The sound of many footsteps could be heard as everyone went their own way. Some talked as they did so while others stayed quiet, probably aware of the imminent danger.

Surprisingly, my little mouse remained behind with Janette. I really thought she would leave before everyone else as she always did. Without much thought, I strode towards them, with Jayson stringing along with me.

'Janette, Tamara. ' I addressed them.

'Alpha. ' They bowed in unison, displaying respect for their leader. I couldn't help but feel that Tamara wasn't supposed to do that.

Of course she isn't supposed to do that, she's your equal. My animal invaded my thoughts again making his presence known by obviously praising Tamara.

'I didn't like you Tamara.. '

'Jayson. ' I cut off with a warning, one more vile word about her and I wouldn't be responsible for my beasts actions.

'But I thought about it and my mate here, ' He paused, pulling a smiling Janette on his side.

'made me realise that you are a wonderful selfless person. I mean you risked your life for her. Not to mention the amount of pack members you have healed despite their remarks about you. ' He paused again, extending his hand to hers.

My beast growled at the mere thought of her touching another male. In an instant, I jumped in between them to stop the handshake from happening.

Tamara threw a questioning look my way, while Jayson and his mate smiled knowingly. 'As I was saying Tamara, will you please consider starting over with me, as friends? ' Jayson continued.

'Of course yes and thank you. ' She politely stated.

'We'll leave now, Tamara don't forget about our plans tomorrow. ' Janette called out to her as they left, leaving the two of us in the middle of the meeting grounds.

'Tamara. '

'Alpha. ' We both talked at the same time.

'You go first. ' I urged her.

'I need to tell you something Alpha. ' She stated in a hushed voice, as if she was afraid someone was listening in on us.

'What is it Tamara? '

'The force. ' She paused, dipping her hand in the side pocket of her blue denim trousers.

'What are you talking about? ' Why was she being this hesitant with me, I couldn't help but feel that something was wrong somewhere.

'I was wrenched across the forest floor near the southern creek in the wee hours today. '

'What were you even doing there alone that early in the morning? You can't even see in the dark. ' Her admittance made my beast worry for her.

'It doesn't matter because...' She dragged the word, her eyes looking at anywhere but me.

'The invisible power landed my body near this. ' She took out a piece of paper from her pocket and even though I could only see the back of the paper, I knew exactly what it was.


This one was different because I could detect a scent on it.

It smelled like peach, very distinctive and sweet.

'This is Monica's perfume. ' I muttered in disbelief. Had she been the one behind all this? But why would she do it?

'And you know that because?' Tamara asked crossing her arms across her chest.

'She only uses it on her undergarments. ' I paused, my beast raging at my next words.

'And I would know because I fucked her. ' I watched as Tamara closed her eyes and when she opened them

All hell broke loose

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