Chapter 18

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The week went roughly for Marinette and especially Adrien. Reporters had been following him around, asking about her father — how he found out that his father was Hawkmoth and how has been handling it. He did his best to ignore those questions.

"Please give me some privacy," Adrien almost snapped at one of the reporters following him around. There were lots of them that even Adrien's bodyguard couldn't stop them.

As soon as he made it to the other side of the street, where Marinette's house is located, he sighed in relief.

He decided to pick her up so they can go to school together. It was the first time, after that incident, that Adrien is going to school again. He'd been handling his father's case for the whole week. Natalie isn't there to help him because Adrien refused to be in contact with her after finding out that she's involved with her father's evil plans too.

"Good morning, Sabina," he politely greeted Marinette's mother who was at the counter of the bakery. "Is Marinette up yet?"

Sabina nodded, her eyes looking at him with genuine concern. "She's up early. I think she'll be here in a minute," she answered. "I hope you're doing fine, Adrien."

"Thank you."

Sabina smiled at him again.

After less than ten minutes, Marinette descended the stairs. Her breathing was loud, indicating that she ran her way down. Her eyes were even wide open.

"Oh, hey, Marinette," Adrien cooly said.

"Uh, hey! Did you wait?" she replied, barely keeping herself together. Even after knowing that he's also her kitty that always had cat puns with him, Marinette still couldn't help but be nervous around him.

Some things never change.

"You two should go ahead," Sabina butt in, noticing that her daughter is not in the right state of mind to think of a more proper response to Adrien. "You'll be late for school."

The two nodded, waving goodbye at her as they leave the bakery.

"So. . ." Marinette paused when Adrien opened the car door for her. "How had you been coping up? You know, with your father being Hawkmoth. . ."

Adrien shrugged. "Better than I was expecting."

"What do you mean?" Marinette asked.

"I thought it'd be weird without him in the mansion. But nothing felt different. Maybe because he barely leaves his office before."

"Oh. Right." Marinette didn't know what else to say.

"Enough about Hawkmoth," Adrien announced, the same time they arrived at the school.

They remained quiet, walking side by side towards their classroom. Once they were seated — behind Alya and Nino who both paused their conversation to greet them — Adrien looked at her expectedly.

"Ladybug, huh?" He raised his eyebrow.

Marinette turned red. Tikki teased her.

"Uh. . ." She nervously looked around. "Yeah. . . I'm Ladybug."

Adrien was quiet for a minute, which gave Marinette the chance to speak again.

"I know I'm far from Ladybug — always calm and composed. She always know what to do. And me. . . I'm just weir —"

Adrien quickly interrupted her as soon as he realizes that she's thinking bad about herself. "Are you kidding me? You're so cool as Ladybug. But you're even cooler as you."

Marinette didn't expect what he said. But when he smiled, she couldn't help but smile too.

And weeks of bad things, something finally felt right and good.

He Was Mine (MLB Fanfiction) | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora