Chapter 16

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"Is Adrikin's father really Hawkmoth or am I imagining things?" Chloe voiced out her thoughts, looking at Marinette with her perfect eyebrows in a furrow.

Marinette, who was just as confused as the others, nodded slowly.

"He is," Plagg confirmed, too. "But we don't have time for that. We don't have all the time in the world, do we?"

Everyone ignored Plagg's sarcasm and just went on with the plan. They've already change their clothes -- black skin-tight suits that don't look far from their superhero costumes. Yhey have a mask covering their full faces, too, to hide their identities. They thought about transforming to their superhero forms, but went against it since they think it'll be more dangerous for their miraculouses.

They were led by Plagg as they crawl to the same pathway that Plagg used to escape. It was narrow and smells like dirt, so a lot of complains from Chloe -- and a few from the others including Marinette -- could be heard from them. 

Everyone breathed in relief as soon as they got out of the tiny pathway. They found themselves standing on a large and dark room. They couldn't make up the things that surround them. Only Plagg, who has a night vision, could.

"Where's Adrien?" Marinette could not help but ask. She wanted to see him already. She wanted to make sure that she still hasn't lost her partner when it comes to fighting crimes.

Plagg pointed at a dark corner with his tiny hand. "There."

"We can't see anything," Max informed, as if it wasn't obvious.

"Turn on the flashlight we told you to bring, Chloe," Marinette instructed in a whisper.

"On it," Chloe answered immediately, wanting to please her favorite superhero.

"Finally, light," Alya muttered, blinking a little while adjusting to the brightness of the room.

But it wasn't the flashlight that provided the brightness inside. It was the chandelier at the center of the ceiling.

And as soon as everyone realized it, they looked at each other with a mixture of confusion, fear, and worry on their faces. The kwamis immediately hid behind their owners, already sensing Hawkmoth and evil in him.

"Now, can you see better, kids?" Hawkmoth asked, his voice mocking. He was looking at Marinette and her friends with eyes that were probably belittling them and their abilities.

"H-hawkmoth. . ." Marinette uttered, her voice shaking a little because of fear. This wasn't part of the plan.

"Surprise?" Then he laughed evilly. 

No one answered. Even Plagg, who was always confident and witty, remained quiet. He hid beside Tikki, earning an eyeroll from her.

"You, kids, really thought you could outsmart me, huh?" he spoke again. 

Then he took a step towards Marinette and her friends. It made Chloe shiver. Since she was the closest to Marinette, she leaned a little towards her and asked: "What do we do?"

Marinette couldn't answer her. She doesn't know, too. But if there's one thing she knows she should be doing now, it's to not let Hawkmoth think and know that she's afraid. She shouldn't surrender.

"Let go of Adrien," Marinette said, her voice coming out surprisingly firm and strong.

Hawkmoth laughed in pure mockery. "You think I'll listen to  child like you? You don't scare me, Ladybug."

Marinette looked at him with widened eyes. "Wha --"

"Only Ladybug will waste her time saving a useless cat in distress --"

Forget the confusion. What Hawkmoth had just said about Chat Noir immediately spiked Marinette's blood.

"You don't speak about Chat Noir like that, Hawkmoth," she warned harshly, completely forgetting the fear that she was feeling a while ago. "The only one useless and weak here is you. You're the one who's using innocent people to get what you want. You couldn't even do it yourself because you're a coward, Hawkmoth -- WHAT?! NO!"

With a satisfied evil smile on his face, Hawkmoth raised an eyebrow at Marinette. He was mocking her.

Marinette, on the other side, stood frozen in front of him. She couldn't registered what she just witness. . . Hawkmoth's akumas took her friends away, and after what felt like only one second, she found them tied beside Adrien -- the chains made up of akuma.

"Now, Ladybug, you should choose," Hawkmoth speak. "I'll let you walk out of here, in exchange of their lives or you give me our miraculous and I'll let them live. Simple as that. . . You have five seconds."

One. . .

Two. . . 

Three. . .

Marinette took her earrings off.

Four. . . 

And then she handed it to Hawkmoth.

"You win. . . Just. . . Just let them live. Please."


Author's Note:

Okay, okay. First of all, I'm sorry for not updating for daysss. I've had a fever and a flu (plus a sore throat). Yikes! I literally had been having headaches for three straight days because of it so i really couldn't type an update. Sorry again! 

He Was Mine (MLB Fanfiction) | ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang