"Whatever happened to your hand?" She asked as she took hold of his hand and examined his knuckles which were freshly cut and bruised.


"It's an absurdity that passes
for entertainment amongst men. I don't understand why men willingly put themselves through pain for a game." She quickly rambled on about the dangers of boxing and such games.

"Only me, Your Grace." Berbrooke appeared out of the murky shadows, too timid for anyone's liking. The man wasn't a man but acted with shameless confidence to prove himself otherwise.

"Are you following me, Berbrooke? I thought this matter settled." The deep voice of Simon echoed within the tunnel, as he was walking home after the rather interesting ball. Yet had almost received an earful from Calista when he had let slip to her brother of the situation she nearly found herself in.

"It was settled until you had to go and spoil it. I implore you to speak again with the viscount. That night was a mistake, I admit. A temporary lack of judgment. You understand that, do you not?"

"There is not and never will be any kind
of understanding between the two of us." The taller man sneered as Nigel approached him, coming into light with a frown on his face, like an angry child being told no.

"Go home, Berbrooke."

Simon began to walk away, to forget about Berbrooke once and for all yet, his voice called out again.

"Why does Daphne's life concern you too much. I need her, I need that money, the connections and the standing which you already have without Calista. I need the sister. Why can you not just let me have this one?"

"I didn't have any concern for Daphne's suitor it's until you tried to force yourself upon Calista. You aren't a man nor anywhere near the title of gentleman. What bothers Calista, bothers me. As for your engagement to Daphne, I think it really ought to be up to Miss Bridgerton."

"When I am buying a horse, I do not negotiate with the horse. Why, then, have you not asked for her hand if you are so fond of her and she so smitten with you? Why have you not already proposed? Unless you have already had her. I would be surprised if she had Lord Ramsey before you, even the way she dresses is too out there. No wonder, she is the diamond of the season if she warms everyones bed up. You must tell me. Daphne might be the same, loose and damaged if that is the case..."

"Maybe I should have forced myself on Calista, perhaps she could be fun." He added, almost drooling at the thought.

It seemed as though Nigel was on thin ice rambling in about the virginity of both Bridgerton girls, not one ounce of respect was valued when Lord Berbrooke was talking about the girls, he spoke about them as if they were objects. Simon clenched his jaw, seething as the thought of his disregard and slimy hands over Calista.

"Stop talking. I shall not have you question
the lady's unimpeachable honor again. You bruised Calista's wrists, you should be condemned to a horrible life and never marry Berbrooke, you certainly don't deserve any of the Bridgerton's. Now, go home."

And you do? I've heard the stories
of your father, Hastings. I know how badly he wanted a son, an heir, and I know how badly he tried to get one when it seemed
your poor mother could not deliver. If anyone were to ever turn a blind eye to a man's temporary lack of judgment, it would be you. The apple should not fall very far,
should it?"

CALISTA / Bridgerton Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant