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34 19 9

* August 3rd, 2022, 2am*

Lani: OMG! Natalia just spin the damn bottle already,

Natalia: Uh fine but if it lands on me again, I'm not doing your dares.

Lani: okay I don't care just spin it.

Natalia: Fine*spins the bottle*

Lani: And it land's...... on ELEANA!!!

Eleana: Wait huh, what's going on.

Emmy: Where's the food at I'm hungry.

Lani: Girl, I dare you to call Marcus to see if he would answer.

Eleana: What noooo!!!!

Lani: It's a dare you have to do it.

Eleana: Fine*grabs her phone and calls Marcus*


Marcus: Hello?

Marcus: Hello?!

Eleana: *Hangs up*

Lani: Why didn't you say anything.

Eleana: Shut up!

Emmy: SOOO do we have food because I can go pick some up...

Jack: *Goes to Mr. Meluis office* Uh sir I have good news.

Mr. Meluis: Do u have my drink?

Jack: No, something better.

Mr.Meluis:  Mhm say it.

Jack: Sir someone just called Marcus and we have their location, but we don't have a location on where he is hiding out.

Mr.Meluis:  Mhmm I see.... Do you have the location of the person who's calling him, and I mean a DIRECT ADDRESS!

Jack: Yes we do

Mr. Meluis: Bring me whoever is calling him And BRING ME MY DAMN DRINK.


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                                                                             Marcus Paterson

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                                                                             Natalia Autie

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                                                                               Emmy Walker

***I like to give yall small introductions of new charcters so you would have an idea of what they look like :)***

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