Grimmis party

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It was grimmis and eda was hosting a grimmis party for her family and friends.
Everything was going great when eda hear ed coming down scared.

Eda i need your help i may have accidentally cast a pregnant spell on myself with jerbo.

Eda just laugh so hard. But saw ed was serious.

Oh your serious let me laugh harder.

But what i do eda i don't want my mom and dad worry.

Sweetheart we understand. fuli and azaad were standing behind him.

Mom dad i am so sorry.

No buddy it okay man your just like your mother.

Huh what you mean.

Me and azaad did same thing with amity. She was our little Christmas gift.

Awwww but really your not mad.

No hun were happy and if need help don't be scared to ask. We can tell amity and em if don't feel like saying.

Okay so both fuli and azaad walk up to amity and em.

Hey girls we having something tell you.

Huh what is it papa.

Ed got pregnant with his boyfriend baby.

That wonderful another trouble maker in the family.

Hey i not that bad guys. Ed said walking up them.

Both em and amity just laugh.

Okay maybe i am.

Yes you are but you are good person ed you make wonderful dad.

You really think so em.

I know so speaking on which were is jerbo.

Oh he went to tell viney and luz about it.

I can already tell both them going be awwwwing.

Your not wrong em they probably do.

Jerbo walks up to fuli and azaad. He kneels down. Mr and mrs wild i am sorry for getting your son pregnant i promise to take reasonable for my actions.

Okay jerbo don't need worry we understand and were both happy for you guys.

Really that a relief thank you he said standing.

No problem but i think we should head to table for dinner.

Agree sir i think your right. So they all sat. As everything was set eda was coming out with cook boiling isles creature that close to ham.
As she place on the table.

Luka stood up hitting his wine glass with spoon. I like say thank you all for coming this very special time of year and honor to spend with my family and friends may this be joyful year to come and many more. Now my friends may we eat. He said sitting down.

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